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no one's pov

Y/n calmed down after crying for a long time. well.. actually she cried less than five minutes but it felt really long to her so it doesn't matter. 

Suddenly her phone rang. Without even looking at the contact, she declined. But the same number called her again and again, still Y/n didn't pick up. Meanwhile she also knew who the person was but didn't care. 

After some time she got a call again. This time it was from someone else. The japanese girl took a deep breath and accepted the call. 

„wae?" „Y/n, Are you okay? You didn't come back after leaving the table before.. where are you?" her best friend Yuma asked worried. „I'm home. Not feeling so well.. don't worry" she meant. Yuma nodded, as he remembered that it was a phone call, not a ˋreal ' conversation. The boy said „get well soon" and acted like nothing happened, so Y/n wouldn't question his sudden action. 

„Y/n?" „hm" „umm.. I don't know if this is true,.. but I heard some rumors..." he started. „What is it about? I mean who" she asked. „about you and... you know who.." he said. „uh, no? Could be anyone you're talking about" she said, raising an eye brow. 

„Are you dumb, girl? It's penguin boy!" „what? who?" she was confused. „my god his name starts with S and ends with N!! Got it??" he said in japanese. „Calm down bro. I got it. No need to talk in japanese" she rolled her eyes. He could hear me. I'm just being careful. Anyways.. I heard from someone you two are dating... is it true?" he asked.

„No, we aren't. Mr ˋpenguin boy' doesn't like me anyway, so why should we?" she meant annoyed. „what do you mean?" 

„he told me he doesn't like me and I got emotional and ran away.. I don't know why... but that's why I'm not at school. no, actually I'm home because I broke up with Heeseung." she said. „oh, congrats for breaking up with that idiot! also I don't think Sunghoon was telling the truth.. I think he likes you.. more as friends" he said the last three words quieter so Y/n wouldn't hear it. 

„I don't think so.. he definitely was serious. I mean why would he like me? Anyways, I'm tired. I'll hang up now. Bye Yuma" she said. „bye bye!" he answered and hung up. 

to be continued...


I finally updated a new chapter^^ I'm really sorry it took me so long :( also this isn't the best chapter.. just Y/n and Yuma talking 🤷🏻‍♀️

but since I'm sick and I was bored I updated the chapter :D

thank you for reading, I hope you liked it! feel free to vote or/and comment 🫶🏻

have a nice day and enjoy Enhypens Pokémon collab song „one and only" (the song is really good^^) <33


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