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no one's pov

Y/n wasn't lying about it. She really understood that Niki is the one who has a crush on someone. And Y/n actually felt strange about it, like her brother's growing up?? He always talks about video games or music...

but a crush?

She felt bad for not giving her brother advice, like he asked her the other day. Like it's his first crush after all.

„Are you sure you understood that right? I mean Niki is... how to say it.. a kid. yea. A kid. I mean he's turning seventeen this year but never thought about love for even a second." Chaewon said. 

„I know right! That's exactly the point.. I feel like he's been growing up so fast... and if he grows, I also do and that would mean I'm old..." „so, this is the reason why I'm here with you on the way to the ˋrestroom's'? To tell me you're old? Girl, I expected more than this. Sorry but I'm telling the truth" she shrugged. 

„What did you even think I'd tell you?" she raised an eye brow, while looking at her best friend. „maybe something about penguin boy?.. I mean you've been single your whole life" 

„firstly, I just broke up with Heeseung and you're single as well! I could tell you the same" Y/n meant. „ok, you're right.. but still, a boyfriend would be nice" she winked at Y/n. 

„I don't know if I'd even be able to trust anyone after what Heeseung did to me. I mean I just need time.." the Japanese girl said, as Chaewon nodded. „Let's just stop talking about it and go back to the boys. They've been waiting for so long now" Y/n nodded, as both of them made their es back. 

„What took you two so long?" Sunghoon asked as soon as they were back. „Calm down bro. You're acting like my mom" Chaewon said and laughed. 

„We couldn't find the way to the restrooms. We had to ask some people" Y/n lied to him, since she didn't want him to worry about them. „Are you crazy?? What if a drunk, old man would have taken you two with him?!" Sunoo meant shocked. 

„Sunoo, it's literally 3 p.m .. I don't think here'd be a drunk man" Y/n meant, as Chaewon nodded in agreement. „Also we aren't kids! You don't need to worry about us, we're grown up!" she said. 

„Doesn't mean you're safe. It's better for you two to stay near us we're stronger and can protect you" Sunghoon insisted. 

„Yah! That doesn't mean anything! Girls can be strong as well. For example my friend, a girl, does taekwondo. She sure is stronger than than you, even tho she's a girl!" Chaewon now got quite mad at the boys. 

„calm down, guys! We're both safe and that's what matters right now. Am I right?" Y/n Said, as she looked at Sunghoon and Chaewon. 

Sunghoon shrugged, while Chaewon crossed her arms and said „maybe..". 

Y/n and Sunoo looked at each other and started laughing. „what?" Chaewon asked, still mad. „You two just act like kids" Sunoo said, as he continued laughing with Y/n. „ok, ok. That's enough" Sunghoon meant, as Y/n and Sunoo stopped.

to be continued...


I updated after some time again^^ also do you guys think the chapters are two short or too long? Idk if they're ok like this.  :/

And omg tomorrow's the last day at school yayyy 🥹🥹 I've got summer break for six weeks😻😻😻😻 (i don't even know if it really is called like that but I think u know what I mean) I'm so scared for my maths score it's gonna be so bad 😭

Also later I'm going to watch the Barbie movie 🫶🏻 I'm excitedddd   

Hope you guys are doing good as well ;)

Thank you for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter <3 (btw thanks for over 700 reads on this ff ilyyy <333) 

Have a nice day ❤️

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