twenty nine

45 4 9

no one's pov

The same day Niki got to know about when he was drunk, Jake also told his friend sunghoon about it. How he slapped Niki, acted cute and protective towards y/n and others. 

But still, Sunghoon forgot everything of the confession to y/n and of course Jake couldn't tell him, as he didn't know about it. Also Jake showed him the video he recorded and it really was funny and silly. 

Anyways it was monday. Everyone had to go to school of course. 

As sunghoon arrived at school he went straight to his classroom, searching for someone. He then found the person and went to her. 

„good morning, Y/n. Good morning, Chaewon" he greeted, giving y/n a warm smile. Chaewon waved at him as a response. 

„oh, uhm... h-hi" the other girl meant and quickly turned back to her friend, as she continued talking to her. 

What was that?  The boy thought confused. 

He just waved at them while saying „see you later" and went to his seat. Sunghoon just ignored y/n's random behavior, so he could focus on the lesson even tho he hated school.. he just wanted to distract himself and studying wouldn't be a bad idea.

„class dismissed!" as soon as the teacher ended the lesson, sunghoon got up. His bag already packed which made him go directly to the cafeteria. He got his food, sat down on a chair at an empty table and was waiting for y/n. 

He even got her food, she definitely couldn't ignore that. Suddenly the girl came. „Y/n! I got us food" a smiling sunghoon meant, pointing at the food he got her. But Y/n immediately looked away, leaving with her friends Chaewon and Yuma. They all just sat down somewhere else. 

„wae..?" sunghoon wondered why the girl was him. The boy just started eating alone. There was nothing he could do anyway. 

Luckily he still had Jake and Jungwon that came. „hyung! Why are you eating alone?" a worried Jungwon asked, sitting down next to his friend. „Y/n is avoiding me.." sunghoon meant while shrugging. 

„what? why would she do that?" Jake who was sitting in front of them wondered. „I don't know..." he answered sad. 

Meanwhile y/n and her friends were eating at another table. „What was that just now? Are you ignoring him?" Yuma asked. „I'm.. I'm not ! I just didn't want to eat with him today.... That's not ignoring." the girl defeated herself. 

„You're such a bad liar" „whatever you're saying" she rolled her eyes, then continued eating as she didn't wanna discuss that. 

well, y/n really was avoiding him. The girl was afraid to face him after that night. She didn't know how to behave in front of him. 

Y/n was scared she'd do something wrong. But it wasn't just because of that... 

..ten minutes before sunghoon came to school, y/n overheard a conversation of two classmates. They were saying that sunghoon was dating someone.. so the girl got mad at him. Like, he said he loves her..  

..of course he was drunk that day but still y/n got jealous and also mad at him. 

to be continued... 

Omg guys I'm back~~~ Yeh ik nobody cares but idc😻

Anyway how r u guys doing? How's school going? ^^

Hope y'all liked this chapter & tysm for reading <33

Have a nice day and good luck on your studies or others! 

Love y'all so muchhh❤️

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