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(could everyone who's reading this comment here please? 🥹🫶🏻 just write anything ;) )

no one's pov

After Jay left, it got awkward between them. „soo... didn't you want to tell me something before?" Y/n asked. But as she looked at him he seemed mad. He had his arms crossed and the sweet smile from before was gone. „No." Sunghoon said annoyed.

„Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" the girl asked, suddenly scared of him. He shrugged. Y/n thought of all the bad things she could have done to him.

„Are you close to Jay?" the guy asked. „umm, I don't know.. actually we ain't that close. He suddenly acted sweet, that's why I laughed" Y/n said, as Sunghoon looked at her. 

„Do you like him?" 

„No! Why would I? Remember I just broke up with Heeseung.." she said and looked at the ground. „You're right.... Sorry" he said and rubbed the back of his neck, while his mad face became sweet again. 

„What did you even think Park Sunghoon?" she laughed. „I don't know..." „are you.. jealous?" Y/n asked and looked at him. „No way! I'm not! I don't like you" he meant.

„W-wait, really?.. I thought we're friends" she suddenly got sad. „wait, that's not-" „I should go home now.. I'll see you tomorrow I guess" Y/n's eyes started to form tears so she quickly turned around and started walking. „Y/n! wait!" Sunghoon called but she ran away.

As Y/n arrived at home she calmed down, so her mother wouldn't worry about her. The girl opened the door and went to Mrs Nishimura. 

„Y/n? You're already here? Are you okay?" her mother asked. „I'm not feeling so well... that's why I came home" Y/n said. „get well soon, Y/n. You should get some rest. Tell me if you need anything" Mrs Nishimura said and smiled. „Thanks mom" Y/n smiled back.

„by the way.. how's it going with your boyfriend? You could introduce him to me someday" she meant, as Y/n sighed. „mom, to be honest we broke up today.. that's also a reason why I'm already home.." Y/n said. „Oh, I'm so sorry." Mrs Nishimura hugged her daughter. „get some rest, dear" Y/n nodded and went to her room. 

Laying on her bed, Y/n thought about what happened before and started crying again. But not because of  Heeseung...,

..It was because of Sunghoon. 

Why am I crying because of him? 

She thought confused.

to be continued... 


updated after so long I'm sorry 😭😭 

I was just focusing on school and I'm happy I got good grades 😍🤟🏻 

Also this chapter was a bit shorter and not the best one, I know... I wasn't sure what to write so it also took me some time :/ 

I hope you still liked this chapter^^ thank you for reading! 

I hope you'll have a nice day & week (idk when I'll upload the next chapter..)  <33 

-freaky_jae  🫶🏻🫶🏻

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