twenty six

48 5 18

no one's pov

It was a Friday night. Since it was autumn, the sky was already colored dark blue, almost turning black. The stars were shining and standing out just like flowers in a meadow. And of course the moon looked stunning like every night. 

Y/n was currently getting ready to go out with her friends. I bet you remember last time when the girl and her friends were excitedly talking about meeting on Friday. They planned to go eat dinner together as reward for finishing their exams. 

Anyways back to Y/n-

The girl dressed up really pretty that night. She was wearing a long, mint green colored dress, her hair tied up to a bun and of course some jewelry.

Yea, I know what you're thinking: „isn't she overreacting? She's completely overdressed!"... but the friends had planned to overdress like that so it was no problem. 

Y/n was now ready to head out, that's why she called her little brother Niki, as they went downstairs. 

„do I look good like this? Or is it too much?" she asked her brother, worried of looking bad. „You look perfect, Noona! Don't worry! Sunghoon's gonna fall for you" he teased as his sister couldn't hold back her laughter. 

„and do I look good as well?" Riki now asked back, even tho he just wanted to get a compliment. The girl looked closely at her brother's outfit.

He decided to wear wide jeans with a black button up shirt and black converse. He didn't know how to dress up else and Jay didn't answer his texts, so this was his outfit for the night. (the pic on the cover of the chapter is kinda how I imagined Niki's outfit ;) ) 

„Really good!" she answered the question. „I know right!" he laughed, while y/n playfully rolled her eyes. „mom, we're leaving!" they yelled at the same time. 

Mrs Nishimura went to her children. „you both look really good! Let me take a picture before you two leave" she meant and took some pictures of them. 

As soon as they were done the doorbell rang. Niki opened the door and got greeted by two guys. „Jake hyung! Sunghoon hyung!" he called and hugged them.

„Oh, hello mrs Nishimura" sunghoon bowed at their mother, who just nodded, while Jake did the same. „We're leaving, mom! See you then!" niki meant waving at his mother. 

„bye mom!" Y/n also said. „Have fun, guys!" before y/n could leave like the others, her mother winked at her. „eh?" „it's nothing.." y/n furrowed her eyebrows, as she just followed the three boys. 

The four of them got in jake's car and they drove to the restaurant. As jake parked the car somewhere, they all got out of the car and had to walk like five minutes to the restaurant. 

Riki and Jake talked and laughed together, while it got kinda awkward between y/n and Sunghoon who were walking behind them. 

„you.. look really pretty today, y/n" the boy finally broke the silence. Y/n's face got red as she looked at the boy. Wearing the black suit with a white button up shirt made him even more attractive which made the girl nervous. 

„t-thank you.. you also look really good! Uhm... the suit s-suits you really well" she meant and smiled, as sunghoon laughed at the nervous girl. „y-yah! Why are you laughing??" she yelled. 

„Cause you're so cute" he meant laughing again, making the girl's heartbeat faster. Before she could answer, they luckily arrived at the restaurant and entered it right away.

„You guys made it!!" Sunoo cheered, ash he was really happy to see them. „yeh, Sunghoon took so long to get ready" Jake exposed him.

„yah! That's not true! I look good even if I'd take a second" he said while styling his hair, making everyone laugh. „boo, Park Sunghoon, boooo!" Niki meant showing his thumbs down. „Boo, Nishimura, boo!" sunghoon booed back. 

„hey! You could have added the 'Riki'!" Y/n meant, as her name was Nishimura as well, of course. „Awww, sorry your highness!" he teased, getting a side eye by the girl. 

„guys, stop being childish. I'm hungry!" Yuma interrupted their discussion, as everyone sat down and chose something to eat. 

The friends had really fun the night. Talking about school, eating tasty food and of course their silly jokes couldn't miss. And some time later, just like they planned, the friends started drinking alcohol..

Sadly, it was boring to Niki, Jungwon and Sunoo, as they weren't allowed to drink. Y/n also didn't drink, as she really disliked alcohol. So the four of them switched seats with the others to at least have fun as the four of them alone. 

They didn't need alcohol to have fun. They still had a good conversation. 



An hour later some of them were really drunk.. sunghoon, chaewon and yuma definitely drank too much. 

Sunghoon talked about his handsome face and fell asleep. Chaewon laughed & laughed as if there was no tomorrow. And Yuma spilled all the tea he heard from random people. 

Well, at least to the others it was fun. Sakura had a good time laughing with chaewon. Harua and Jake heard some really cool story's from yuma. And Jay.. well Jay had a sleeping sunghoon on his shoulder all the time but he just listened to Chaewon and Yuma, so he had fun as well. 

But suddenly sunghoon woke up and ran to the other side of the table. 

„Y/nie~!" he called, as the girl looked at him. „What is it sunghoon?" she laughed at the way the drunk boy acted."come outside with me!" he meant. „You're drunk, Sunghoon. We should stay here" y/n said smiling at him. 

„aNi! Ddunghoonie wants to go outside!" he meant, suddenly acting cute in front of her which made y/n laugh and jungwon join her laughter. „fine.. we're going outside" she gave in and stood up. 

„should I come as well? Sunghoon can be scary when he's drunk.." sunoo warned her, as he got worried. „don't worry! I'm not scared of anything! Still thank you, Sunoo!" she said. 

„good luck, noona!" jungwon meant and continued talking to Niki, as Sunghoon and y/n left. 

to be continued...


Hii! I'm alive🧍🏻‍♀️ and I managed to update a chapter^^

This was a lil bit longer, hope it's okay ;) 

btw I'm not sure if I'm still gonna do insta chapters cuz I probably won't find a good timing or don't have ideas for it :/ also I've already wrote like 3+ chapters so I won't be doing an insta chapter soon 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Hope you guys like it, thank you all for reading! 🤭😻

Have a nice day and stay healthy <33

-freaky_jae :3

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