CHAPTER 1 Bella meets Jane

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Current location Italy in my humongous house that is more like my castle.

Bella says to esme " I'm going for a walk I will be back sometime." Esme says "Bella you are like a daughter so be careful and make sure you have your gun and your trusty knife." Bella says " you are like a mother to me and yes mom I will be careful I always am." Bella is heading out the door and yells "By the way mom I have my cellphone also and I will call you if I need you" Esme then yells to Bella" you better have it young lady" Bella says "yes mom". As Bella is walking she does not even some figure with bright red eyes and blonde hair is following her.
Jane pov I am slowly sneaking up on this women and she doesn't realize she is being followed this should be easy or so Jane thought as soon as Jane is about to pounce on Bella Bella turns around and has her gun out ready and pointed right at Jane's heart. They both stare at each other Jane then says Mate Bella says what are you talking about. Then Bella feels a instant connection to Jane and they both look into each other's eyes and realize this is one of their mates. They start walking and talking to each other and get to know each other then they head to Jane's place.

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