Daddy Bella and Mommy Jessica, Jessica jr, Kara,Lena and Hayden

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Five years later at Daddy Bellas house with Daddy Bella,Mommy Jane, Mommy Jessica, Jane jr and Alexis, Bella jr and Azariah, Ace and Harper, Alex and Emory, Artemia and Ashton.   Yes Mommy Jessica is back.

Daddy Bella is Happy but sad also. Mommy Jessica is back home, but now Mommy Jane has to leave for a while. Mommy Jane says I love you both and i love you all my children keep Mommy Jessica and Daddy Bella safe and happy while I am away. We will Mommy Jane be careful also see you soon. They all give each other a kiss with tongue as a goodbye present. Mommy Jessica keep Daddy Bella company while I am gone. I will Love you Mommy Janeplease come back to us soon we love you and we will miss you. Please don't keep us waiting to long. I will do my best says Mommy Jane. She leaves. A week later Daddy Bella and Mommy Jessica  are missing Mommy Jane terribly. So they decide to go get some weed and some alcohol and they take a week vacation to Isle Esme just the two of them. That night they really get calmed down and start having some good old fun and Mommy Jessica whispers seductively to Daddy Bella I want you to getme pregnat three times and I want three girls named Jessica jr, Kara, and Lena and I want to get pregnant right now and find out a week later I am pregnant and I want them to be born in three months. Daddy Bella says as you wish my love your wish is my command.

A week later at esme office Mommy Jessica you are pregnant with three girls and in three months they will be born. Congrats. Thank you mom.  (Side note esme is considered mom, and grandma. Esme is mom to Daddy Bella, Mommy Jessica, Mommy Jane, Alice, and Leah but in Rosalies case Esme is considered her MI amore same with Rosalie to Esme and then if she or Rosalie have kids she will called mom and then if thier kids have kids and thier  kids have kids they will call her grandma.

Three months later Jessica jr, Kara, and Lena are born. They are so beautiful. Pure happiness  and bliss are on Daddy Bella and Mommy Jessica's face.
Mommy Jessica has a vision of Jessica jr at the beach meeting a woman who she falls in love with fast and they both get together and become mates fast and pure happiness  is on Jessica jr and the girl named  Hayden and Daddy Bella and her accept Hayden immediately  into the family.

Six months later Jessica jr is at the beach walking when she accidentally bumps into a girl named Hayden  and they fall in love at first sight. And they get married right away. Daddy Bella and Mommy Jessica happen to see Jessica jr and Hayden and say welcome to the family. Jessica jr turns Hayden into a vampire.

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