bella and jane and a jane jr. bella jr and ace and jane jr mate alexis

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Warning matrure themes Bella and Jane are at the house by themselves Jessica is at work. They ate noth in the bedroom relaxing and watching a movie and having a couple of drinks and smoking some weed having a good time then Jane starts kissing Bella and then they get pretty heated and then strip down and then Jane begs Bella and says daddy please make me pregnant as much as you can. I want to be pregnant by you five times . whatever you wish my love. (SIDE note Bella can make any girl pregnant it that is what they desire also this will be the same with 6 kids which you will meet further on meaning the 6 kids can make any girl pregnant if they wish they just have to let it be known that they want to get pregnant.) So Bella and jane have sex all night long. Three weeks later Jane feels sick she goes to Esme and find out she is pregnant with triplets. She is so excited she can't wait to tell bella. Bella is also so excited they are all girls that are born intersex like me bella is filled with so much happiness she can't contain it. Six months later Jane jr, bella jr, and Ace are born. They grow so fast a year later they are fully grown and they turn 21 years old. Jane jr. They all have the same powers as bella and jane combined.
Three months later Jane jr is working at a Cafe then she hears the door bell to let her know someone came in Jane jr says we're are not open yet then the most beautiful woman jane jr ever laid eyes on comes in and sits down and say hi I'm Alexis and I'm looking for some named jane. Jane says that's me how can I help you then Alexis suddenly kisses jane on her lips and says your my mate then as the shock of the kiss surprises jane she feels a spark and thier is a growling of her throat and it says mate. They both stop to take a breath and jane says well hello my mate where have you been. Jane brings Alexis home and introduces her to jane and bella a.k.a. mom and daddy. They are glad and say wow that was quick and Jane jr agrees and says yes it is but we are mates. Jane and bella say we know. And we are so glad you found each other so quickly. (SIDE note Bella jane and Jessica also have to power to see who thier children's mates are) . Bella and jane
Say welcome to the family. Alexis says thanks mom and dad. Oh and mom and dad we ate getting married tomorrow. Bella and jane say ok have fun and congrats. Jane jr. Turns Alexis into a vampire.

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