Ace and Harper

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Ace pov Ace is working at her job where she works with blood she works with her Co worker harper who she is madly in love with she has been in love with Harper since she was at 15 she is now 30 and her feelings  have not changed, she has only ever wanted Harper no one else will ever come close to Harper. Ace is Determined  to have Harper even though she doesn't know if Harper feels the same way about her. Ace could only hope she does but she is also willing  to do anything to have Harper. Or so she thinks she wants Harper to herself but she also does not want Harper to be forced into liking her. So she just stays as a coworker and a friend. 

Harper POV Harper is madly in love with Ace she thinks. She never had feelings like this before for a anyone especially  a woman who is her coworker and friend and it scares her because she has never experienced  this before but as she gets closer to Ace she notices her feelings  toward Ace increase and fear no longer is in the picture she just knows she wants Ace for herself and she is madly in love with Ace. She just wishes Ace would notice because she can't take it any longer she has to tell Ace how she feels no matter what the end result will be. She just has to get the guts to tell her.

Ace pov: I need to tell Harper how I feel no matter the cost.

Ace and Harper are on a 15 minute break they both say can we talk when we get off work and go to a nice restaurant. Sure they both agree we can let's go. 

Time skip
After work Ace and Harper at the restaurant.  So they find a booth in the far corner where it is dimly lit and away from everyone they order thier food and wait. They both talk at the same time and then they laugh and Ace says you can go first Harper. Harper says thank you. I have something very important  to tell you ok. Ace says ok what is it go ahead.

Bella and jane get a vision of Ace and Harper at a restaurant  where they are both going to admit thier true feelings to each other and it is going to go good and there are going to be married the same day.

At the restaurant
Harper takes a deep breath and says I am madly in love with you, I have been since I was 20 and you were 15 when we first saw each other at the mall and you were buying something with EVANESCENCE  on it at hot topic and I was the cashier I couldn't keep my eyes off you it was love at first sight I watched you the whole time and I asked what your name was and your age and you said your name was Ace and then you said you were 15. I knew right then it would never work out between us but I never stopped  thinking about you I kind of kept tabs on you. You were the one I wanted and nothing could change it. And I had decided  that I would wait and hope I would find you again and hope you would still remeber me. Then we started working at. The blood place we are now. I got the job as soon as I found out you were their I was hoping it was you and you didn't  forget me I saw you changed so I decided  to just be your friend and co worker but it became  unbearable  to be around you just as a friend and Co worker so that is why I invited you here to tell you how I feel and see what you had to say about this.

Ace takes a deep breath  and says HARPER I have and always will want you as soon as I saw you at hot topic when I was 15 and you was the cashier  and asked your name and age then you told me your name was Harper and you were 20 it didn't bother me tour age after I left Hot topic I swore to myself that I would have you for myself and o was determined to succeed  so that was also why I agreed to meet you I had to tell you the truth and do what I could to have you for myself. They both were i n shock they both got married Bella and jane met Harper and they do the ceremony that same day. Welcome to the family Harper.  Ace turns Harper into a vampire.

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