Daddy Bella and Mommy Jane and Alex and Artemia AND EMORY

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(Side note remeber Daddy Bella and Jane jr, Bella jr and Ace are intersex which means they can get a girl pregnat if she asks she just has to let them know but akso they can chose the sex even though it will always be females because remeber evil Daddy Bella is ruling the world and the world has only women and intersex women ruling the world. And Daddy Bella, Jane jr, Bella jr and Ace can also control when the baby is born. So if the mate wants a baby to be born on a full moon at the time is right when the moon is full and it's brightest the baby will be born at that time.)

A year later Daddy Bella and Mommy Jane are watching how their three girls have grown up and have and thier mates and enjoying life and thier families. Mommy Jane says Daddy Bella can we please have two more girls I would like thier names to be Alex and Artemia which means moon goddesses?. Daddy Bella says of course my love whatever you ask you shall have it. So Mommy Jane and Daddy Bella have some sensual and fun and some bdsm sex and then Daddy Bella loads up Mommy Jane with some sperm and then a week later. Mommy Jane goes to Dr.Esme again and says she doesn't feel well. Esme checks her over and says congrats again you are pregnant with twin girls. Jane is so happy she can't contain her excitement. 6 months later Alex is born at 11:30 then exactly at 12:00 am Artemia is born on a full moon. Jane is so happy. A year later Alex is graduating high school. Getting ready to go away for six months for training to be a pediatrician in Arizona. Daddy Bella and Mommy Jane give her a car and tell her to be safe and we will see you soon.

Jane has a vision of Alex and her mate Emory who happens to be a human. Alex is going to turn her. And they are going to elope because Emory is only 16 and Alex is 21 but they know they will be together forever and they are destined mates. And Emory parents are going to die and after that Emory says lets get married and take me away from Arizona. Alex will agree without hestiation.

Two weeks later.
Alex is at a party there she sees a beautiful young lady and says that is my destined mate. I am going to go talk to her. Alex walks up to Emory without hesitation. And says hi there wanna dance she says sure let's dance. And they say let's get out of here and go watch a movie, Alex says sure let's go. They go watch a movie.

While at the movies Emory parents get killed by a nomad vampire and they drain them of all thier blood.

After the movie Alex takes Emory home and they find Emory parents dead and drained of blood. Alex sees Emory heartbreak and says Emory I know we just met but you are my destined mate and I love you and I will forever. I will find the vampire and I will kill him for you. EMORY says I want to come with you while you kill this vampire and I want my revenge and I want them to pay for this. Alex says as you wish baby. Alex kills them. And then Emory says let's gets married and move away from Arizona forever. Alex says ok let's go I know the place we can get married with no problem. And then we can move to Italy with my mom and dad and they will love you just as much as I do you will be welcomed with open arms.
Time skip three days later
Alex and Emory return to Italy happily married and Daddy Bella and Mommy Jane are waiting with open arms at the house and say welcome to the family. We love you. Emory says thank you Mom and Dad.

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