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I can’t believe that girl didn’t know who I am. Everyone at this freaking school knows who I am. I’m the dangerous bad boy of this school. Though I doubt anyone at this school actually thinks that I’m dangerous.

I think it’s mainly because I’ve never really broken anyone’s bones yet, but, if no one actually thinks I’m dangerous, why do they not say the word love while I’m in the same room as them? Whatever, I don’t really care, that girl just surprised me. Anyway, everyone in this school knows who I am.

They walk around talking and spreading rumors about me and who they think I’m dating. Like seriously, why they focus on Connor and me when they have their own lives to worry about is a mystery to me. A mystery I’m not interested in solving.

The only friend I have in this stupid school is my best friend Connor Wilde. The dickhead enjoys annoying me.... speaking of the devil, here he comes. Oh crap, I ditched him for the library. What is he going to say now?

‘Dude, where’d you disappear to?’ he asked.

No way am I telling him that I actually know where the library is. On top of that, I actually went there and got a book to read. He’d never let me live it down, and he would torture me about that very fact for the rest of my life. I put on a bored expression.

‘Did you really think that I’d stick around and watch your dumb ass flirting?’

‘I know you’d never dream of watching that, but where’d you go? I couldn’t find you anywhere. I even called your cell and got sent to voicemail.’

How am I supposed to answer that? He tried calling me? He never tries calling me. Though, to tell the truth, that’s probably because we are rarely ever apart. He also knows what I like to do when I ditch him, but this time I didn’t go to the places I usually go. I went to the library.

‘I took a walk.’ Seriously? A walk…. Of all the stupid answers I could blurt out, I chose a fucking walk!? Even Connor knows that I’ve never just gone for a walk.

‘Come on dude, couldn’t you think of a better excuse than going for a fucking walk?’ he chuckled.

‘And what gave you the idea that I’m lying? I’m a human being, Wilde, I take walks sometimes. It’s good exercise.’ I retorted.

This is one of the reasons I like my brain, it’s great at lying. Connor still didn’t look convinced, but he let it go. He knows he won’t get the truth out of me.

‘Whatever, let’s go get a drink. One of these days I’m finally going to find out where you go and why you always hide that place, Daniels.’

I smirked, ‘Maybe you will, and maybe you won’t.’

‘You are so annoying! Now I really need a drink.’
We hopped into the car and he drove us to the bar.

The moment I sat down, Camille Roberts walked up to us. Once. I slept with this bitch once! And now she thinks that we’re soul mates. I’ve told her time and again that I don’t want anything to do with her. The whore just won’t listen. Unlike Connor, I don’t flirt with any random girl. Well, I didn’t, I stopped sleeping with girls a long time ago. We both stopped sleeping around, but Connor still flirts with girls. He doesn’t ask them out, nor does he sleep with any of them. He just flirts for fun. It’s a skill that’s now ingrained in his system.

However, Camille thinks that I stopped sleeping around because I miss her. That is miles away from the truth. If I did start dating, she would not be one of my choices. I have certain tastes, and this whore isn’t even close to one of those tastes. Everything about this girl is fake; boobs, butt, nails everything. I’d be surprised if her hair is naturally blonde.

‘Hi Aiden.’ She said in her irritatingly high pitched squeaky voice. I hate this girl. When she got no answer she just kept on talking.

‘Aiden, when are you finally going to ask me out? It’s been such a long time, and I know that you and Connor stopped sleeping around. I miss you, Aiden. How about you come over to my house tonight? I promise to satisfy you.’ She said. Does she really think I’m still interested in her?

‘No.’ I answered.

‘I promise I’ll be good, you can use me in any way you want.’ She purred.


I looked over at Connor, he was done with his drink. He took my drink and gulped it down. He knew that that’s what I wanted him to do. Thank goodness.

‘Let’s go dude. We’re done here.’ I said while standing up. Connor nodded and stood up.

I paid the bartender and turned to leave when Camille cried out, ‘You can’t go. We’re not done talking!’

‘We’re done talking.’ I stated and followed Connor to the car.

He unlocked the car. ‘I’m driving.’ I said.

He tossed me the keys and sat on the passenger seat. I got in and drove off. I would never raise my hand to hit a female, but that bitch is really pissing me off.

‘What’d the queen bitch want this time?’ Connor asked after I parked the car in our garage.

I groaned, ‘What else does she ever want? Ever since I slept with her that one time in freshman year, she’s been walking around stating that she’s my “one and only”. Seriously, that bitch is obsessed. I just want to give her one good slap. Maybe then she’ll come to her senses.’

Connor sighed, ‘You know you won’t hit her. No matter how irritating she becomes. She may be a crazy cocksucking bitch, but she’s still a female.’

‘I hate that stupid bitch.’ I bit out.

One day, one day! I’m going to make sure that that greedy attention seeking whore leaves my life for good. I will show her that she is NOTHING to me. I PROMISE.

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