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While in the pool, I looked over at Ariel and saw that she’s wearing headphones, eyes closed with a small smile on her lips. She looks so peaceful.

‘You two have gotten really close, huh?’ Connor asked with a smirk.

‘What? We’re just friends. What are you smiling about?’ I asked.

Connor shook his head, ‘you'll understand one day.’

‘Understand what?’ I asked.

‘Nothing, it's good that you now consider those two real friends.’ Connor said.

‘Sure. Though, only the four of us know that the four of us are friends. At school it's different.’ I said quietly.

‘I know, we’ll talk to them.’ Connor answered.

‘Yeah, sure.’

‘By the way, how is it possible that this time someone said the l__ word, and you easily calmed down? Exactly how long did it take for you to calm down?’

‘Not long, about five minutes?’

‘Five minutes?! It takes me at least thirty minutes to calm you down.’ He complained.

‘Have you tried talking to me and forcing me to do something?’

‘Yes! And you punched me in the gut!’

‘Well then, I guess girls are better at it.’

‘Girls?! She’s the only girl that has ever succeeded at calming you down! Camille tried, and you locked her in the toilet at school after you threw her phone at the wall!’ he yelled.

I shrugged, ‘Not my fault, she annoyed me.’

‘You're crazy.’

‘What’s with all the yelling?’ I looked up and saw Ariel holding up a sleepy-eyed Emily.

‘Sorry we disturbed you, Connor and I just had a disagreement.’ I apologized.

‘Its okay, what was the disagreement about?’ Ariel asked.

Okay, what lie can I say?
‘Umm, it was about going to the park. Connor didn’t want to ask you girls to go with us to the park on Sunday, after the party. He’s just shy.’ I lied.

‘Connor’s shy? Yeah, I do not believe that.’ Ariel said. Crap, think Aiden, think.

‘Okay, you caught me. We didn’t want to bring this up right now. But since you want the truth, we want to know if you two would be okay with showing everyone at school that we’re friends. I know that you're concerned about the whole thing with Camille, but, when will we stop hiding our friendship?’ I asked.

‘That’s what the party’s for Aiden.’ Emily spoke up.

‘Huh? Emily, what are you going to do? Announce it? I think it would be easier to just spend more time with them at school. Not announce it to the entire freaking school at a party. Yeah sure, we’ll hang out at the party. But announcing it is not the best idea. If we just spend more time together, they will see that we’re friends. If they don’t, then that’s their problem.’ Ariel said.

‘That’s a good idea.’ I said.

‘Yeah.’ Connor agreed.

‘Fine, let’s do that.’ Emily groaned.

‘But, even though the park thing was a lie. Would you guys like to go?’ Connor asked.

‘Yeah, sure, but what would we even do at the park?’ I asked.

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