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After the games ended, we bid the girls goodbye as they left, FINALLY. As soon as I closed the door, Connor asked, ‘So, do you like her now?’

I know exactly who he’s talking about. ‘She’s fine.’ I simply said.

‘Just, fine?’ he asked.


‘Dude, she’s a great person. I really don’t understand why you don’t like her!’ He shouted.

Why does he like her so much? I think Connor’s developing a crush on one of those girls. I don’t want them to spend any more time with us.

‘Connor, you don’t even know her that much, yet you’re already getting angry because I didn’t say that she’s a GREAT FRIEND.’ I said.

There was a short silence after that, then Connor sighed, ‘I have only just met her, I know that, but sometimes you just know that she’s a good person. Yes, she has her flaws, but nobody’s perfect. I’ve already accepted her as my friend. She convinced Emily that we’re not dangerous. Don’t you like that? Do you even like either of them?’

Wow, Connor said that with so much emotion. He really likes having those girls as friends. I really don’t want to ruin his friendship with them.

I sighed, ‘Fine, I’ll get to know them better. Then I can make my decision.’ This is going to be good.

After talking to Connor, we played a few video games and then turned in for the day. 

The next morning, I woke up to my stupid ringing phone. Who on earth would want to call me at……. I looked at the time, SIX IN THE MORNING?! I looked and saw that Connor was calling me.

I picked it up. ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?! What voice in your head told you that it’s okay to wake someone up at six in the fucking morning?!’ I yelled.

There was a moment of silence before, ‘I’m sorry, I just wanted to know if you guys would be interested in hanging out at my place today?’ he asked nervously.

‘Sure, that’d be nice. But please, never ever wake me up, ever again. Or else I will rip out your throat and shove it up your ass. Do you UNDERSTAND?’ I threatened.

‘Yes ma'am.’ He said.

‘We’ll be there at ten, probably before that, bye.’ I hung up. 

‘I hate being woken up.’ I muttered while getting out of bed to go take a shower.

After my shower, I chose to wear an aqua-blue dress-top along with black leggings, blue boots and a black leather jacket. I tied my hair into a ponytail, and left my room to go and wake Emily up.

I’ve never woken up to find two girls, inside my house, talking with my best friend before. I guess everything is supposed to change because of that stupid girl.

If she was just as awed by our very presence as all the other girls, she would not be friends with Connor, and all these changes wouldn’t be happening. Seriously, even Emily’s a little shy around us. But she acts as if she knows us.

I don’t like that girl, she just walked into Connor’s life and now Connor’s inviting her to our house, next thing you know, she’ll be living here.

How is it possible to attend the same school as us for two years and only realize that we exist a little over a week ago? That girl is hiding something. I’m going to make sure that I confront her, and it has to be today, before Connor gets closer to her.

‘Come on girls, let me give you a tour. We’ll start outside and work our way indoors.’ Connor said.

‘Sure.’ Emily answered, almost instantly. Connor looked at Ariel.

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