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After talking to Connor and Daniels, Emily and I were walking to our dorm room.

‘So, do you like them?’ I asked.

‘Are you serious? I can’t believe you managed to become friends with Connor a week after I told you those two existed. You're comfortable enough to call Aiden, McKenzie. Why did you take such a risk?’ she asked.

‘Risk? I don’t see that as a risk. To me, that was more like ignoring what people said about those two. There are dozens of rumors about those two. It’s all because of said rumors that some are too afraid of what might happen to actually get to know those two. Connor is a nice guy and even though he flirts a lot, he is kind and truthful. They both have kind hearts, but people listen to what others say about them and think that that’s the truth.

If they got to know those two, not as popular bad boys, but as Connor and Aiden, they would realise that rumors are just that. Plain old rumors.’ I explained.

‘You’re so nice. See Aiden, I told you, you have nothing to worry about. She’s not faking.’ Connor said, startling Emily and I.

‘Why would I fake anything?’ Ariel asked

When no one said anything. ‘How long have you two been walking back there?’ she asked.

‘Since the risk thing.’ Connor answered.

‘So....long?’ Emily asked.

‘Yeah.’ I answered.

Ariel then turned to look at me, but she didn’t say anything. She just kept looking. I looked around and saw that both Emily and Connor didn’t know what to do. The just looked from me to Ariel and back continuously. When I looked back to Ariel, she took a deep breath.

‘I’m not a faker. I have no reason to fake anything. Especially friendship.’ she said softly.
Does she mean that?

‘Today’s Friday.’ Emily stated.

‘Oh no. Crap, what time is it?’ I asked.

‘You didn’t forget right?’ Emily asked.

‘No, I just lost track of time.’ I looked at my phone.

‘There’s only have ten minutes left.’ I said.

‘Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go! Maybe we can watch the ending.’ Emily said.

‘My stupid phone put itself on silent. Bye guys.’ I waved at them as I and Emily ran to our dorm room.

‘What was that about?’ Connor asked.

‘I really don’t care. They’re girls, it’s probably about some series finale to some kind of movie.'

‘That was an awesome ending.’ Emily said while lying on the couch.

‘It was fine. At least it’s over now.’ I said.

‘Yup. Now, about those two. I have some questions.’ Emily said.

I groaned, ‘Any questions you have, could you please ask them tomorrow? I want to go to sleep.’

‘Ok, see you in the morning.’ She agreed and went to her room. Thank goodness she agreed. I stood up and went to my room, the moment my head touched the soft, fluffy pillow, I was gone.  

Waking up to your alarm of a best friend shouting your name isn’t the best experience.
‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’ I bit out.

‘It's morning. Now come on, brush your teeth, shower and get dressed.’ She said while pushing me into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and showered quickly knowing that if I took my time, she would walk in and try to do it herself. I DO NOT want a repeat of last time.

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