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When we got to the pool, I sat in one of the pool-side seats and watched as Ariel took of her shoes and sat beside the pool with her legs in the water.

Looking at her, we’ve known each other for a little over a month. Every time we’re together, I learn something new about her. Ever since that confrontation in the kitchen, we've gotten closer and I can freely call her my friend.

‘Why didn’t you just sit in one of the seats around the pool?’ I asked.

‘I like how the water feels. Looking at it calms me down. Feeling it makes me feel safe. I forget my worries and just let myself go for a while and listen to the moving water and the soft whistle of the wind as it breezes by. I relax my body and let my legs sway as they’re moved by the water current.’ She explained while looking at the water.

‘Didn’t you say we came here to talk?’ I asked.

Ariel looked over at me, ‘I did, and we are talking.’


‘Hey, come over here and join me.’ She said.


‘Why not? It might help calm you down.’ She asked.

‘I don’t like doing that.’

‘Have you ever tried it out?’ she asked.


‘At least try, you might enjoy it.’ She said.

‘Fine, I’ll try.’ I took of my shoes and socks and walked toward the pool and sat beside her.

After a few minutes I asked, ‘I don’t feel relaxed.’

Ariel looked at me, ‘Are you trying to be relaxed? Let your thoughts flow. Relax your mind and just listen to the silence. When you're relaxed you’ll start hearing more clearly.’

I did what she said. Soon after, I felt more relaxed then, than I've been in a long time.

‘It works doesn’t it?’ she asked through the silence.

‘It really does. But now I'm bored…’ I stood up and dried my feet, ‘Let's go for a walk.’

Ariel looked up at me, ‘You take walks? You?’

‘Like you said, it's good to try new things, I might just enjoy myself.’ I said.

Ariel smiled and removed her legs from the water. I helped her stand up, but she stumbled and I pulled her toward me in order to steady her.

With her head on my chest and my hands on her waist and back, we just stood there.

After a few seconds I asked, ‘Are you okay?’

‘Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.’ She began pulling away and I let her go.

Why do I feel empty all of a sudden?

‘Are you okay?’ Ariel cut through my train of thought.

‘Oh, yeah, I'm fine.’ She doesn’t look convinced.
‘Why wouldn’t he be fine?’

I saw Connor and Emily walking toward us.

‘Hi guys, are you done planning the party?’ Ariel said.

‘We ordered the stuff. The party’s on tomorrow.’ Emily said.

Why is Emily looking at Daniels so……cautiously?

‘Em, are you okay?’ I asked. She looked at me.

‘Forget about me. Are you okay?’ she asked.

‘Of course I'm okay, why wouldn’t I be?’ I looked at Connor, even he looked worried.

‘Did he hurt you?’ Connor asked.

What? Why would? Oh!

‘No, he didn’t.’ they didn’t look convinced.

‘Seriously? He didn’t?’ Emily asked.

I looked at Daniels, his face was devoid of emotion.

‘He did not hurt me in any way.’

‘I was very calm. And considerate.’ Daniels said.

‘Not at first.’ I said.

‘What? I was very cool.’ Daniels said.

‘Yeah, sure. Anyway, what do you guys want to do now?

‘What are you two doing at the pool?’ Connor asked.

‘She was calming me down. It felt great. She really knows her stuff.’ Daniels said with a wistful look on his face.

He looked at me, ‘I hope we can do that again soon, but maybe you can show me a different method?’ He asked.

‘Yeah, sure. It’ll be good for you.’ I accepted.

‘WHAT?!!!!’ Connor and Emily screamed.

‘What’s wrong?’ Daniels asked smiling.

‘Why are you guys screaming?’ I asked.

‘You said you were going to calm him, not please him!’ Connor shouted.

‘How is talking and making him place his feet in the water pleasing him?’ I asked with an innocent smile.

Connor’s jaw dropped and Emily’s mouth began working like a guppy. I laughed.

‘That was awesome.’ Daniels smiled.

‘I'm gonna go for a swim.’ Connor said and took off his shirt and jeans. Daniels followed suit.

‘I'll join you.’ They walked off to the pool.

‘Come on Em, we’ll sit by the pool.’ We went and sat down.

‘Did you two plan that?’ Emily asked.

‘No, I just played along.’ I answered.

‘I need a nap.’ She said as she relaxed into one of the seats and shut her eyes.

Well, she’s out. I relaxed into the seat beside hers, pulled out my headphones and phone from my handbag and began listening to some songs.

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