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‘I want to host a party.’ Emily said.

‘What?’ I shouted. It’s been three weeks since we visited Connor and Daniels’ house.

Everything’s been going smoothly since then, and now the queen of parties wants to host a party. Literally everyone at school attends her parties. Probably because she makes their parties better by being there. I still hate parties. Mainly because of the bitches and assholes that attend them. Plus the dancing, I can't dance.

‘Yup, I want to host a party.’ She repeated.


‘I want to invite the guys for once. I'm sure they’ll agree.’ She explained.

‘I'm not going to the party. You know I hate those things.’ I said.

‘I know, but can you at least help me convince the guys to attend? I promise I won't trouble you during the party. Even if you sneak out.’ She grinned.

‘I don’t have a choice, do I?’

‘Unless you want me to do everything I can to make sure you go to and stay at, that party.’ She said.

I groaned, ‘I hate you.’

‘Yay!’ she exclaimed while doing a happy dance.
I can't believe I have to do this.

‘Are you expecting anyone?’ I asked Connor while walking to go and open the door.

‘Nope.’ Connor shouted out.

‘Then who on earth could it be?’ I whispered to myself.

I reached out to open the door when the doorbell rang again. I opened the door and saw a smiling Emily and a frustrated looking Ariel. I wonder what happened.

‘Hey Aiden.’ Emily said cheerfully.

‘Hi,’ I opened the door wider to let them in, ‘What are you two doing here?’ I asked after closing the door.


‘Emily, Ariel, it’s nice to see you two again! What are you girls doing here?’ Connor greeted.

‘I want to throw a party, so we came over here to ask if you guys will attend.’ Emily explained.

Ooh, that’s why Ariel looks frustrated, she hates parties.

‘Of course, we’ll be there.’ Connor accepted.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘Come on dude, it’s just one party.’ Connor said.

‘JUST ONE PARTY? You’ve dragged me to every party you heard of since we turned thirteen!’ I yelled.

'Thirteen? Wow, you have more right to hate parties than I do.' Ariel said. I smiled.

Connor blinked, ‘You smiled.’

Emily looked at Ariel, 'Did you know that he hates parties?'

Looks like I'm the only one who heard Connor.
Ariel nodded, ‘Why didn’t tell me?’ Emily asked.

‘You didn’t ask.’ Ariel said. I smiled. I've been smiling a lot lately, weird.

‘Wait, Ariel, you hate parties?’ Connor asked shocked.

‘Yeah.’ Ariel replied.

‘And, Aiden, you knew?’ Emily asked

‘Yeah.’ I replied.

‘So you won’t come to the party?’ Emily asked.

‘So far, how many people are going to this party of yours?’ I asked.

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