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Stupid alarm. I woke up and looked at my phone. 'Five o'clock. Ariel gets to school at six. How does she do this every day?'

I got up and went to my en suit bathroom. 'hot water would make me sleepy. I can't have that.'

I had a cold shower and dried off. I chose to wear black jeans, a blue t-shirt, black converse boots and a black leather jacket.

I got into my car and checked my watch. 'Okay, it's half five. It takes ten minutes to drive to school from here. Let's get going.' I started my car and drove to school.

'Right on time.' I said as I parked my car.

Fifteen minutes later I saw Ariel walk up to the school. I quickly got out of my car and jogged up to her.

'Ariel!' I called out. I hope this all goes well.

She turned to me, 'Yes?'

I stopped, 'I....Umm....Can I talk to you?'


'No!' she blinked, startled at my sudden outburst.

'Please don't call me that.' I asked.

'Why not? It's your name.' she stated.

'I know its my name. But please, not you.' I begged.

'Not me?' she asked, confused.

'Yes, may I talk to you?'

She sighed, 'Go ahead.'

'Look, I'm.... I'm really sorry for the things I said about you yesterday. I have no excuse. That was wrong and I'm ashamed of myself. I'm really sorry. I took our friendship for granted, but please understand that up until yesterday, I didn't fake anything in our friendship, I had fun. Non of what I said yesterday was at all true in anyway. You're not stupid, or dumb, in fact, you're the smartest girl I know. I hope you can forgive me. And I hope I still have a chance at being your friend again.' I apologized and looked down

'I forgive you.' she said.

I looked at her, 'Really?'

She nodded, 'Yes. But I can't be your friend anymore. You broke my trust. The words you said really hurt. I'm sorry.'

I expected this, but I didn't think she would forgive me immediately. Now all I have to do is earn her friendship.

'You have nothing to apologise for. I understand.'

I said. 'See you around.' I went back to my car. 
I sat inside and closed my door. How am I going to earn her friendship?

"Prove to her that you're serious about wanting to be her friend. Show her that you really are sorry for the things you said. Yes she may have forgiven you, but I doubt that she actually believes you're sorry. Good job on not using love as an excuse. Telling her you love her in an apology would have made things WAY worse." I have a smart inside voice.

Prove my seriousness. How am I gonna do that? I hear a knock on my window and turn to see Camille standing there. What does she want?

I step out and lock my car. 'What?' I asked annoyed.

'Hey handsome. I heard about the compliment you gave me yesterday. I just wanted to say thank you.'

She leaned in and I stepped back.

'What are you doing?' I asked disgusted.

'Showing my gratitude honey.' She grabbed my jacket and stepped forward and I shoved her away.

'When are you going to take the hint? Stay away from me. I've ignored you, I've insulted you and only God knows how many times I've come close to punching you. Would you just stay the hell away from me!?' I yelled.

'Is this about that girl?' I heard Camille ask Daniels.

'What girl?'

'What's her name? Ariel.' Camille said.

'No, it's not about her, it's about you and me.'
Are they dating? Is that why he insulted me?

'You said I'm smarter than her. Didn't you?'

'Yes, I did but_'

'So you complimented me.'

'Yes but_'

'You do love me!'

I have to get out of here
'Would you leave me alone! I don't love you, you could be the last woman on earth and I'd rather have sex with a lion than with you! FYI, Ariel is the kindest person I have ever met, compared to her, you're nothing. I may have complimented you, but that is the biggest mistake I have ever made.'

'So you can't be with me because of that bitch? I'll ruin her. I'll_'

'You get this into that pea-sized brain of yours Camille Roberts. If you do anything to hurt, or embarrass Ariel and Emily. I will ruin your life to the extent that you will start wishing you'd never been born. Before I do all that, I'll tell your father all the interesting exploits his little princess has been having in high school. I bet he'd love to hear about that. Don't you think so?' Daniels threatened.

I turned and saw Camille's horrified face looking at Daniels.

'You wouldn't.' she said.

Daniels gave a devilish smile, 'Oh yes, I will.'

Camille pushed past Daniels and ran into the school. I turned and saw Daniels looking at me.

'Ariel_' I raised my hand and he stopped talking. He looked at the ground.

Well, now I know he really is sorry and didn't mean anything he said. But, can I be his friend again? Can I trust him? I don't think so.

'Well, I believe you now.' I said.

He looked up and smiled, 'Thanks.'

Yes! She believes me.

'Hey guys!' I turned and saw Connor and Emily walking towards us.

'Hey Connor!' Ariel greeted.

'This is the first time I've gotten to school and seen you outside Ariel.'

'Hey Em.' Ariel greeted.

'Aiden, why is there a video of you making Camille cry on the internet?' Connor asked.

'There's a video? Please tell me I'm not in the video.' Ariel begged.

'No, you're not.' Emily answered.

'Thank goodness. Now... There's a video!? How? Who?' she asked.

'Apparently you're not the only one who gets to school two hours early.' Connor said and looked at me and Ariel.

'Anyway, how are you two doing?' Connor asked.

'I forgave him. But there's no trust or friendship anymore. But, unlike thirty minutes ago, I don't mind talking to him.' She said.

'So you're........ Acquaintances?' Emily asked.

Ariel thought about it, 'Yeah, I guess so. I'm gonna go to class, see you guys later.' she walked away.

'Did you tell her you love her?' Connor asked after Ariel disappeared into the school.

'Wait, love? Aiden, you're in love with Ariel? How? When?' Emily asked.

I sighed, 'You just had to say it, didn't you? To answer your question, no, I didn't tell her.'

'When did you fall?' Emily asked.

'Of course you would stick to that.... When I think about it, I think it was some time before she said the word love around me. When she did say love, I didn't mind, but I had to act like I did.' I confessed.

'Aw, that's so sweet. When are you gonna tell her?' she asked.

'After I earn back her trust.' I answered.

'I can't wait.' Connor said smiling.

'Why?' I asked.

Connor looked at Emily then back at me, 'I just want to see how you ask her.'

I shook my head, 'I'm gonna go to class. See you guys later.'

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