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'Ariel, he kissed my cheek. He...'

'I know, you're welcome.'

She looked at me with wide eyes, "What do you mean by that?"

'Oh, nothing. After Connor kissed my cheek for being a good friend, I asked him to kiss you too since, you know, you're a good friend too.'

'Why did you do that?' she asked.

'Well, I know that you have a crush on him, so, I saw no harm in it.' I said.

' I wanted to get a reaction out of you! Not me.'
A reaction? Wait, so is that why?

' Those two kissed me because of you didn't they?' I laughed. 'your revenge backfired. Awesome.'

I parked the car, 'We're here.'

'It's almost dark, what can we do until then?' Em asked as she stepped out of the car.

'I was hoping to just eat dinner and relax, since I know that tomorrow is going to be hectic because you're gonna be making the finishing touches to your party. And I'm gonna have to be there to make sure you don't overwork yourself. So I need my rest.'

'So I can't bother you at all?' Em asked.

'Yes, I'm gonna go eat.' I said while collecting my food.

Saturday morning, the party's tonight. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I love showers, it's like bathing in the rain. I stepped out of the shower and dried off.

I tied my hair up into a ponytail and went to the closet for my outfit.

'Now, what am I going to wear today?'

I chose a knee-length blue dress that clung to my bodice and flared out at my waist. I wore the dress with some black pumps.

'I already regret agreeing to go to that party.' I sighed and walked out of my room to see Emily wearing a crop-top and a tight blue skirt.

'I see you went for sexy.' I commented.

She looked at me, 'not too much?'

'It's just right. You look great.' I assured her.

'You look beautiful.' she complimented.

'Thanks, now let's go and meet the guys.'

'Dude, are you sure you told them where we are?' I asked Connor.

'Yes, I told them.'

'Then where the fuck are they? Is this party still on?'

'Aiden, patience, be patient. They'll be here soon.' Connor said.

Patience? He wants me to be patient. I've been waiting for an hour!

'They're girls, they probably want to look their best.' Connor said.

'More like we got lost.'

I looked at the door and saw Ariel and Emily walking towards us. Ariel looks beautiful. The blue dress makes her eyes look brighter.

'Lost? How did you get lost?' Connor's question brought me back to reality.

'Well, Emily's not good at following directions, and she refused to tell me where we were going. So, she finally told me after we had passed the same ice-cream cart five times.' Ariel explained.

'Wait, did you say five times?' I asked.

'Yup, the same cart.' she laughed. I chuckled.

'Okay, can we get to work?' Emily said.

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