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Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him. He's finally found love and gotten over whatever past he had that made him hate the word love. I guess I just kinda hoped that girl would be me. I started to fall for him after I said the word love to him not knowing that he hated it.

After what Connor said of Daniel's past with people who have said the word, I was freaking out. But I wasn't going to let him take a hit for my mistake. But Daniels wasn't even angry for long. We got closer after that. I knew that there was a chance that my feelings wouldn't be returned.

One would think that after he hurt me my feelings would disappear, but stupid me still continued to care about him. I was hurt, yes, but I couldn't stop caring about him. I guess I underestimated my love for him. Though I do love the fact that I'm not crying right now.

'Ariel, are you okay?' Emily asked.

I sighed, 'Yeah, I'm fine.'

Emily came and stood in-front of me, blocking the TV, and my movie.

I looked up at her, 'You're blocking the TV. My movie's still playing.' I said while eating ice-cream.

'You don't look fine Ariel. What's wrong?' Emily asked.

'I'm fine. Can I watch my movie now?' I lied.

'Why are you lying to me?' Emily asked.

'I'm not lying.'

'Ariel Blakely, are you in love with Aiden?' Emily asked.

'My movie.' I ignored her question.




'Fine, okay? Yes! I'm in love with him! I'm in love with Aiden Daniels! And he doesn't love me. He hurt me and yet I called Connor, telling him not to abandon him because that would hurt him. Instead of being angry at him for saying those words, I was angry at myself for convincing him to be my friend when he clearly didn't want to! Everything happened because of me.' I started crying.

'I caused all this,' I sobbed, 'I hurt myself.'

Emily sat down beside me and hugged me while I continued to cry. 'I should hate him, but I can't.' I sobbed.

'Shhh, it'll be okay sweetie. Everything's gonna be okay.' Emily cooed while running her hand through my hair.

It's actually soothing. A few minutes later, my sobs had turned into sniffles. Next thing I knew, everything went black.

'Aiden, did you really think she was okay with what you said today?' Connor asked.

It's the day after the whole "love" conversation with Ariel. She didn't even come to school. I'm really worried about her.

'She acted okay, she sounded happy. But she also made sure her eyes were as blank as she could make them. So I'm really confused. I'm gonna go see her at lunchtime.' I said.

'Why? What about school?' he asked.

'It's not like I have classes after lunch anyway. Plus, if Emily hadn't come to school, and you had no idea why. Would you just stay at school, even though you knew you have time to see her?' I asked.

'No, I wouldn't. Fine you can go.' Connor said.

'I wasn't asking for permission.' I stated.

'Yeah, well I gave you permission. Deal with it.'

I hate this, I woke up late and skipped school. I've never skipped school. And to make matters worse I can't stop thinking about Daniels. Plus I'm still trying to put a face to his description. I'm tired of this. I just want to ignore the real world right now.

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