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Luckily, no one mentioned me insulting Ariel. Probably because I threatened Camille, they probably think I'd make their lives a living hell too.

'I can't believe your threat scared the entire school.' Connor said.

We're sitting at a table in the cafeteria at school. Emily is sitting across from Connor. Ariel isn't here yet.

'What is it about you that scares them anyway?' Emily asked curiously.

I shrugged, 'I really don't know.'

I have no idea why people are afraid of me. Yeah I've beaten up my fair share of idiots, but it's not like I killed anyone. Ariel is the only person that wasn't afraid of me upon meeting me.

Yeah right, she didn't even know you. Any person that doesn't know you would not be afraid of you. 

When'd you get so chatty? You've been quiet for years.

That's cause I've been ignoring you. You've been avoiding love, and you despised the word. You even beat up a dude that was confessing his love to his girlfriend. Yes your parents said they loved you when they gave you up for adoption. And yeah you've had your heart broken twice, but that was really insensitive and rude. I just watched everything happen. I was about to give up and leave, but then Ariel entered your life and now I'm just making sure you don't make a mistake and sink back into your previous state again.

Aren't I lucky? Was I that bad, to the point that I almost lost my conscience?

Yeah, I only stayed that long because you still cared about Connor.


'Aiden, are you okay?' Connor broke into my thoughts.

'Yeah,  I'm fine.' I answered. I'm not lying, I am fine. Just then, I saw Ariel walk into the cafeteria. She went to the front and got an apple, then she walked over to our table and sat down next to Emily.

'What are you all doing?' she asked.

'Nothing much. Aiden's been zoning out and in continuously.' Connor said.

'No I haven't. I've just been thinking. Plus, it's not like I missed anything. You've been eating and Emily's been on her phone while munching on an apple.' I said.

'How'd you know that? You haven't seen me eating.' Emily asked.

I looked at her, 'An apple isn't a silent fruit Emily. I may not have seen you eating it, but I did hear you.'

'Oh, right.' Emily blushed.

It's been a two months since Daniels apologized. He's really making an effort to become my friend again. He hasn't even been irritating me by constantly asking whether or not I see him as a friend yet. He hasn't even asked at all.

'You must consider him your friend by now. Right?' Emily asked. We're in the library looking for novels.

'Of course I do. But I'm not going to walk up to him and say, "Hey you can stop being normal, we're friends again." That would just be weird.' I said.

'Stop being normal?' Emily laughed.

I groaned and took a romance novel. 'I'll take this one.'

Emily groaned while looking at my book 'Another romance novel? What is it with you and romance novels?'

I shrugged, 'I'm a sucker for love stories.'

We started walking toward the librarian's desk when I saw Daniels pass by our aisle.

'Hey Em, does Connor know that Daniels comes to the library yet?' I asked curious.

Emily shrugged, 'I don't know.'

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