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It’s Thursday, a week after the whole library incident. I was walking out of the library when I bumped into the same girl from a week ago, the same girl who didn’t know that I existed until a week ago.

‘Hello.’ Why the heck is my mouth talking without my consent? Seriously, why’d I greet her?

‘Hi, sorry I bumped into you.’ She apologized. Wow she didn’t give the same reaction other girls did when I spoke.

‘What’s the hurry?’ Well, it looks like I’m talking to her.

‘Not much, sometimes I just need some alone time. A break from everything and everyone. Time to calm down and relax with no interruptions, the library is the quietest place in the school.’ She said.

Why is Daniels talking to me? Emily said he rarely ever talks to anyone, especially girls. If this is one of those rare moments, why on earth is he using that moment to talk to me? It makes no sense. But I don’t want to be rude.

‘You mean one of those times you feel as though if you don’t get somewhere quiet where you’re alone, you might just lose your cool and do something you’d rather avoid doing?’ he asked. His words took me of guard.

‘That’s very accurate. You have those moments?’
‘I have those moments A LOT so most times I’m just quiet. But apparently_’

‘The quieter you are. The more people want to talk to you?’ I finished.

For a moment he looked shocked, ‘Exactly. I’m Aiden Daniels by the way.’

Why did I introduce myself?

‘I know. I wouldn’t have known if we’d met over a week ago though. I’m Ariel Blakely.’

‘You found out I existed a week ago?’ I asked to see if she would lie.

‘Mm hmm. My best friend told me about you and your friend Connor.’ Damnit, she told the truth.

‘Anyway, nice meeting you, but I’ve really got to get that quiet time we talked about.’ She added and walked into the library.

Well that was an interesting conversation. It just started and continued until it ended. I still don’t believe that she’s being truthful, she’s probably just acting. A week ago or not, all the girls in this school are attracted to Connor and me. Many of them have done crazy things to get close to us. Whatever the truth is I have to be careful of that girl.

The next day, I met up with Connor in the school’s backyard. Apparently he had news. We sat across from each other on one of tables there.

‘I made a new friend.’ He started. What’s so special about him making a new friend?
‘So?’ I asked. The dude actually chuckled at my question.

‘I know what you're thinking. Why am I telling you this? That’s cause this one’s different.’ He said. Why won’t he just get to the freaking point?

‘What’s so special about this friend?’ I questioned. He’s never told me when he makes a new friend. He just introduces me to them overtime.

‘This particular friend is a girl, and you can’t turn her into one of your flings which you fuck and dump.’ He warned.

Looking at his face I could see that he’s dead serious. He actually wants to be friends with this girl, whoever she is, and he doesn’t want me to ruin his friendship with her.

‘Don’t worry I won’t ruin your friendship. I promise.’ He smiled at my answer.


‘Now, onto the interesting part...’ Wilde groaned at my statement. ‘There’s actually a girl at this school that isn’t interested in you?’

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