(𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪)

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The bright sunlight falls on a sleepy yeonjun's face as he irritably forces himself to wake up and notices his room looking like a mess and his shoes fallen onto the ground In completely opposite directions.
Yeonjun groans as he tries to remember what happened the night before when a memory flashes in front of his eyes of him holding beomgyu by his collars. He curses himself while remembering everything that happened yesterday.

Yesterday was the worst day for yeonjun. The previous argument he had with his boyfriend, the words he said and the painful silence he had received In return kept troubling his mind. He stayed up all night thinking and slept in the morning which caused him to wake up directly at noon. How he wished he wouldn't have to wake up anymore. The thoughts kept intruding his mind not giving him a break, so many questions and no answers at all.

He doesn't even remember how he ended up drinking over and over again at the nearby bar.
And now he was sitting here in his room not wanting to get out and face beomgyu. Yeonjun wasn't ashamed, he was scared.
He knows what he asked beomgyu last night, he cursed himself for it but a part of him did not regret it. Even though drunk, he still managed to ask him what kept bothering him from a long time. And now he was scared that beomgyu is just going to pretend that never happened and give him no answers going back to the way they were. Yeonjun hated the thought of that.

He walked himself downstairs only to meet the eyes of the younger.
I have to go to work early today. The younger spoke
No you don't. Thought yeonjun knowing beomgyu is trying to avoid it. Avoid him, like he always does.
He was already getting the feeling of how the rest of his day is going to pass by with him stressing over their miscommunication and beomgyu's refusal to talk about it. And he did not have the energy to do that. As soon as beomgyu got up from the breakfast table to leave he was stopped by a hand around his wrist. He slightly turned around to find the older guy keeping his head down.

I remember what happened last night.
And I may have been drunk but I meant it when I asked you that.
Yeonjun was now walking up to beomgyu still holding his hands, he could feel the younger boys heart beating fast but he chose not to care about that for now I need answers. I can't keep going on like this, I just want to know what's bothering you so we can figure this out
Beomgyu's silence forced yeonjun to go on wanting to make sure the younger knows how he feels this time, somehow reminding beomgyu about just how much he loves him might force him to say something? He didn't know. He just kept going.

When we first started dating we promised each other to always stick together. To always find a way out of arguments and fights, remember?
please beomgyu. It's time. Let's not wait for everything to take a turn for the worse. We need to fix this because I need you. I love you and I know you do too. He cupped the younger's cheeks in his cold hands making him look directly into his tearful eyes. Please he says sounding like a it's his last hope

Beomgyu knew that he needed to. But he didn't know how to. Or more like he didn't have the courage, maybe scared? What if yeonjun doesn't understand? What if he thinks it's ridiculous or hates him for it? So many questions leave him more confused than ever.

I want to. But I'm confused. About how I feel, about whether or not you'll understand I don't know
I can't even find the right words
I'm scared and I don't even know what I'm scared of.

Yeonjun could see it.
Beomgyu was overwhelmed. His voice was breaking he started to let out silence cries as the older guy wrapped his arms around him softly patting his back.
This wasn't the first time beomgyu's been like that, too many things on his mind can't be handled by him

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