Transfiguration - I

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Harry and Ron ran through the halls of Hogwarts, trying to find the Transfiguration classroom. Once they arrived, they pulled out their wands and ran in.

"Fuck! We are late!" Ron shouted, looking around. He didn't see Professor McGonagall. "Phew...if McGonagall found out we were late...she would have a bloody fit."

A cat on McGonagall's desk had meowed. She then jumped off, morphing into an old lady who turned out to be McGonagall. "Ronald Weasley, do not use that foul language in my classroom." McGonagall thundered, staring at Harry. "Both of you, find a seat and we will start our class."

"That was bloody cool.." Ron mumbled, taking Harry and sitting down at a desk.

"Let's start with the basics of transfiguration...get your parchment and quills out!" McGonagall shouted, going up to her desk. "Take out your textbooks: A Beginner's Guide To Transfiguration."

Ron and Harry both pulled out their textbooks, parchment and quills and opened their textbooks up.

"When Transfiguring.." McGonagall started. "It is important to make firm and decisive wand movements. Do not wiggle or twirl your wand unnecessarily, or the Transfiguration will certainly be unsuccessful." McGonagall added.

Most of the whole class continued listening, while in the back, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were making paper airplanes and putting "secret" messages on them.

"Form a clear mental picture of the object you are hoping to create before attempting a Transfiguring spell." McGonagall continued on. "Beginners should say the spell clearly. More advanced wizards do not need to say the spell aloud."

Draco threw the paper airplane and it hit McGonagall. She had a look of anger on her face now.

"Draco Malfoy! Since you're not listening. How about you come up here and demonstrate the transfiguration snail to teapot?" She smirked and waited.

Draco shook his head and quickly wrote on the parchment.

"Just what I thought.." Minerva rolled her eyes and looked down at her textbook. "Incomplete Transfigurations are difficult to put right, but you must attempt to do so."

Hermione smiled as she continued reading, already almost finished.

"Leaving the head of a rabbit on a footstool is irresponsible and dangerous. Say 'Reparifarge!' and the object or creature should return to its natural state." McGonagall closed the textbook and looked at Hermione. "Would you like to give Reparifarge a go, Miss Granger?" She asked, smiling.

Hermione nodded and stood up, taking her wand out. McGonagall transfigured a cat into a cauldron.

"Anytime you would like, Miss Granger."

Hermione took a deep breath. "Reparifarge!" She yelled, the cauldron turning back into a cat.

"Excellent work Miss Granger! 5 points to Gryffindor!" McGonagall smiled as Hermione sat back down.

"Larger creatures are difficult to Transfigure except by skilled and powerful wizards. Know your limits.." McGonagall finished and waited.

Ron checked the time and looked back up.

"That was all that we had to cover today, you may go to your next class." McGonagall dismissed them.

Harry and Ron stood up as fast as they could and ran out. Hermione got up and left after them.

Harry and Ron walked through the hallway, talking.

"Fuck McGonagall." Ron started. "Do not use that foul language in my classroom." She mocked McGonagall. "Bet she swears in that classroom after class.."

Harry chuckled. "Most likely.." He said, walking down the steps and going to the Potions Classroom.

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