You Want To Learn?

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Harry and Oliver appeared to be carrying a trunk out into the courtyard. They placed it down.

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each time has seven players, 3 chasers, 2 beaters, 1 keeper and a seeker. That's you. There are three kinds of balls." Oliver started.

Harry interrupted. "I know about Quidditch. I watch it...I just don't play it."

"Oh, alright then. Hold this." Oliver handed him a bat.

Harry nodded and took the bat, Oliver released the bludger. It flew up right into the air and raced right at Harry's face. Harry swung the bat, hitting it into the ground.

"You would be an alright beater actually.." Oliver chuckled and tried to get the bludger back in the trunk. It took a minute or so but it was a success. He then pulled out a golden tiny ball. "This is what you need to focus on.."

"The golden snitch.." Harry said, taking it out of Oliver's hands and holding it in his palm. The golden snitch had spread its wings and hovered above his hand. "I like this ball.."

"Now, Harry. Do you have a broom?" Oliver asked.

Harry shook his head. "No, not yet."

Oliver nodded and mumbled under his breath. A broom came racing to his hand and he handed him his broom. "Keep an eye on the ball, Harry. Do not let it get out of your sight.."

Harry nodded and mounted the broom, watching the golden snitch. It flew away so he flew after it.

A few minutes in, Harry had lost the golden snitch. He heard a buzzing sound and quickly turned around, noticing the snitch. He extended his arm and tried to catch it.

He missed, so he went for it again. Missed again.

He stood up, trying to do something. He was about to catch the snitch before he slipped and started falling to the ground.

Oliver waved his wand and the broom caught Harry, making him float to the ground and the golden snitch flying to Oliver's hand. "Don't stand on the broom...unless you are experienced." Oliver told him, putting the snitch back in the trunk and closing it.

Harry nodded and handed the broom back to Oliver. "Right, yes. I have charms next. We can train another day." He said, running off.

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