The Realisation

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Harry and Hermione walked into the Gryffindor Common Room. They looked around but didn't see Ron. They shrugged and thought that he was just at the Great Hall playing Wizard Chess. They unpacked quickly and went to the Grand Staircase.

They started walking down the staircase, but then they heard screams. Harry titled his head and stopped.

"Who is that?" Harry asked, stopping Hermione from moving.

" clue?" Hermione then started running up the steps, knowing these screams were coming from the Third Floor Corridor.

Harry and Hermione reached the corridor and noticed the door open, they looked at one another and nodded.

It was dark, no lights were lighting up.

"Lumos." Hermione mumbled, a light erupting from her wand and lighting up the corridor. They started moving towards the door at the end.

They found Ron, leaning against the door.

"Guys?" He asked, slowly leaning off the door.

"What's happened?" Hermione inquired, pushing Ron out the way and opening the door.

The three headed dog, Fluffy, was snoring. Hermione smiled as she looked around and saw the harp playing music. She then gestured for the boys to follow her.

Harry and Ron were scared but they followed her.

Hermione noticed the trap door and slowly lifted it. She jumped in.

"Hermione!" Ron shouted, the music from the harp stopping and Fluffy waking up.

Harry and Ron screamed and jumped into it.

They all landed on a pile of Devils Snare.

"Just relax!" Hermione told them, relaxing and falling though the Devils Snare.

"HERMIONE!" Both of them screamed, not being able to relax.

"Just relax guys!" Hermione shouted.

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK WE ARE SUPPOSED TO RELAX?!" He shouted, his arms getting trapped in the Devils Snare.

"Do something!" Harry yelled out.

"Uh...what am I supposed to do?!" She asked.

"YOU'RE A WITCH, AIN'T YOU?!" He yelled out, a tear dripping from his eyes as he was scared.

"Right...right!" Hermione thought about it quickly and pulled out her wand. "Devils Snare is scared of light! Lumos Solem!" A bright light came from the tip of her wand, shining through the Devils Snare.

Harry and Ron dropped through as the spell burnt the Devils Snare.

"Come on!" Hermione put her wand away and started running away.

The boys sighed together again and followed Hermione, not wanting to do this.

"Why are you so excited for this?" Harry asked.

"Dark, spooky? I'll probably need to use more spells." She said.

They came across a door and a bunch of keys flying in the air. Ron tried to use Alohomora but it didn't work.

"We need to get the key. Probably rusty from being so old." Hermione told them, turning to Harry.

Harry nodded and hopped on the broom, he then started to fly and tried to grab the key.

He spotted the key and went for it while the other keys surrounded him.

He grabbed the key and threw it to Hermione.

Hermione unlocked the door and they came across a Wizards Chess now.

This was Ron's speciality and they started to play.

At the end of it, Ron looked at Harry. "Harry. Once I make my move, the Queen will take me...then you'll be free to check the King." Ron said, staring at him.

"No, Ron, No!" Harry screamed.

"What is it?!" Hermione asked.

"He's going to sacrifice himself!" He yelled again.

"No, Ron, you can't! There must be another way!" She told him.

"Do you want to stop Snape or not? Harry, it's you that has to go on. I know it. Not me, not Hermione, you." Ron shut his eyes. " H-3." He mumbled, the Knight moved. "Check." He said.

The queen started to move. Once it stopped, it smashed the knight and sent Ron flying backwards, knocking him unconscious.

"RON!" They both yell, Hermione tries to run over.

"NO! Don't move! Dont forget, we're still playing." He told her. "Checkmate." The kings sword falls and they won.

Both of them ran over to Ron, kneeling beside him.

"Take care of Ron. Then, go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right...I have to go on." He told her.

"You'll be okay, Harry. You're a great wizard, you really are." Hermione smiled.

"Not as good as you." He smiled as well.

"Me? Books and cleverness? There are more important things. Friendship, and bravery. And Harry, just be careful." They both wanted to laugh but they couldn't, not right now.

Harry nodded and ran off.

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