Ron's Perfect Spell

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Today was Halloween, which meant that there was a feast today. Everybody was already in the Great Hall but Harry had been doing something quickly. He completely forgot there was going to be a feast tonight, he found Luna Lovegood before he went to the feast and talked to her.

They even became friends again! See, since Lily and James Potter are alive, the Potters knew the Lovegood's, so Harry and Luna were friends. But sadly, they had a big fight before they came to Hogwarts. But now, they have finally become friends again.

They both entered the Great Hall.

"See you Luna." Harry added to their conversation, saying goodbye and walking to the table.

Luna also went to the Ravenclaw table.

Harry sat down at the table and noticed an empty seat. "Hey...where's Hermione?" Harry asked the table.

"Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girl's bathroom. She said that she'd been in there all afternoon...crying." Neville answered Harry's question, taking a bite of his food.

Harry glanced at Ron, Ron shrugged as he continued eating his pie.

Suddenly, Professor Quirrell came running into the great hall, screaming with fear.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" Professor Quirrell shouted, hands up in the air as he ran.

Dumbledore rose from his seat, concern on his face. It was silent, Dumbledore made eye contact with Quirrell.

"Thought you ought to know..." Quirrell mumbled, passing out onto the ground.

It took a second of silence for everyone to start freaking out, they all started running and screaming.

"SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!" Dumbledore's voice boomed through the Great Hall, making everyone silent.

They all stopped and stared at Dumbledore.

"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." Dumbledore ordered them.

"Hufflepuff, this way!" The Hufflepuff prefect shouted, walking out of the Great Hall.

"Stay together!" A random boy shouted.

Snape looked around and quickly stood up from the table, walking out of the Great Hall quickly.

Screen fades black

Percy had made sure the Gryffindors were following him down the corridor. "Gryffindors, keep up please. And stay alert!" Percy told them, rushing down the hallway.

"How could a troll even get in?" He asked Ron, following Percy.

"Not by itself. Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes." Ron responded to him.

"Right...right." Harry whispered to himself, he then remembered something. He pulled Ron aside.

"What?" Ron asked, gently pushing Harry's hands off him.

"Hermione! She doesn't know!" Harry told him, thinking about Hermione.

"Fuck.." Ron muttered.

They both ran off down the corridor, running as fast as they can. They heard a grunting noise down another corridor and they saw a shadow. They both stopped.

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