Who The Hell Are You?

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Harry walked into the empty room, looking around. Nothing was there, except for a mirror which he only just saw himself.

Fire surrounded the room and Harry looked around. A cloaked figure walked through the fire.

"Harry Potter.." The cloaked figure whispered.

Harry took out his wand. "Who are you?!" He asked.

The cloaked figure laughed and aimed their wand at Harry. "That's a mystery.."

"You better tell me! I know the curses!" He shouted, getting ready.

"Alright then, let's have a duel.." The cloaked figure grinned under the cloak.

Harry took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine!" He shouted.

They pulled out something out of their cloak, a red stone. They touched their wand with it and their wand became pure gold.

"That should give me enough power.." They mumbled.

Harry was in shock. "Wingardium Leviosa!" He shouted, trying to levitate their wand.

It didn't work, instead the cloaked figure raised their wand. "Come to die!" They shouted.

Harry backed up. "Never!" He shouted, throwing a sleeping potion at them.

The cloaked figure made it teleport somewhere else and then it screamed something out. "AVADA KEDAV-" They got interrupted by the expelliarmus charm.

Their wand flew to the other persons hand. Luna Lovegood was there. "What is this place?" She asked them.

Harry smiled and the cloaked figure sighed. They held the red stone up and vanished into air, they started chasing Luna, grabbing the wand and flying away.

The fire stopped and Harry ran up to her, hugging Luna. "Thank you.."

"No problem.."

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