Welcome To Quidditch, Harry

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McGonagall walked through the corridor and arrived outside of Defence Against The Dark Arts. McGonagall turned around.

"Wait here." She demanded, walking into the classroom.

Harry nodded and waited, like she told him to do.

"An iguana s-such as this is..." Professor Quirrell tried to say while stuttering. "an essential in-gredient."

McGonagall knocked on the door and smiled. "Professor Quirrell, excuse me, excuse me. Could I borrow Wood for a moment, please?" She asked, Quirrell.

"Oh. Y-yes, of course." He gestured for Oliver to go and then he continued. "And the vampire b-bat..."

McGonagall walked outside the classroom with Oliver. "Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood, I have found you a Seeker!" She told him, smiling.

Screen fades to black

Harry and Ron walked through the corridor, talking to one another. They notice Nearly Headless Nick and another Lady Ghost.

"Have you heard? Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well.." Nick said to the lady ghost.

Ron turned to Harry. "Seeker? But first years never make their house teams! You must be the youngest Quidditch player in..."

Harry remembered what McGonagall said. "A century, according to McGonagall." He finished Ron's sentence and shook his head.

Fred and George ran up and hit Ron from the back, walking beside them after. Ron held his head.

"Ouch.." Ron mumbled.

"Hey, well done, Harry, Wood's just told us!" Fred exclaimed, smiling.

"We knew that you would be an excellent part of our team! We've seen you fly before!" George added.

"Just saying...no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally.." Fred reported, walking off into the courtyard.

"But they'll turn up in a month or two!" George chuckled and ran off with Fred, going to go plan a prank.

Harry and Ron approached the trophy case, looking at the trophy that read, James Potter.

"I can ride a broom. But I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?" Harry trembled, nervous as fuck.

Hermione came up to the trophy case as well. "You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.." Hermione added, staring at the trophy as well.

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