1: Ray's Had A Busy Weekend

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The Way brothers were quite confused that Monday morning when they were called to their boss's office.

"Did you do something to piss him off?" Mikey asked Gerard, raising his eyebrow.

"No! Why would you jump to that conclusion?" Gerard replied with a rather defensive attitude.

"Because I still remember that time you got us in trouble by putting a firecracker in the mens' toilet," he smirked.

"That was an accident!" Gerard still insisted three years after.

"How could you 'accidently' light a firecracker and leave it down a toilet?"

"I thought it was a cigarette?"

"Really?" Mikey asked, starting to get exasperated with his supposedly 'older' brother. "What about the time you let off a stink bomb in the research library?"

"Ok, I'll admit that wasn't an accident but it was pretty fucking funny..." Gerard mused, corners of his lips turning up as he remembered the chaos he caused that day.

"How old are you?" Mikey wondered, still not entirely convinced that this man was older than him.

"26, last time I checked."

"Well do me a favour and start acting like it, before you get us both fired..."

"Killjoy..." Gerard muttered under his breath.

"Boyssss!" A voice boomed into the room from the direction of their boss's office. The two brothers looked up and smiled timidly at their boss, preparing themselves for being shouted at. However, they just received a tight smile and an invitation into his office.

The room was fairly small with just a desk containing a desktop computer, a chair that was occupied by the brother's boss, two chairs on the opposite side of the desk, and one of those shitty plastic plants in the corner of the room. Gerard sat down first, choosing the chair on the right, which left Mikey with the chair on the left.

"Sir," Mikey began, "I'm sorry about what Gerard did, I'll make sure he behaves in future."

"Don't worry, he's done nothing this time and-" Their boss began but was cut off by a very loud and triumphant "Ha!" from Gerard.

"Told ya' so!" He grinned at the younger brother, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. Mikey responded by rolling his eyes before turning his attention back to his boss.

"As I was saying, I actually called you here because I have a special job for the two of you and I need someone I can trust to carry it out."

"Of course, Sir." Mikey nodded.

"Please, call me Ray, for now at least. I hate being called 'Sir', it makes me feel old."

"Yes, Si- I mean Ray."

"Good, now about this job... I need you to promise not to say anything to anyone else about it. Am I clear?"

"Yes, we promise." Gerard sighed, starting to get impatient.

"Thank you," Ray paused, a slight blush starting to form on his cheeks. "I need you to take out a man called Frank Iero. Here's his file." He said, handing Gerard a document stamped 'confidential'. Looking at the picture clipped to the top of the file, Gerard concluded that his next target was a very attractive, yet very small, man about the same age as himself. The man was covered in beautiful tattoos, wore a sliver lip ring and had fairly short black hair that was sitting across one of his hazel eyes.

"What did he do to piss you off?" Gerard asked the increasingly fidgety man in front of him after handing his brother the file for him to look at.

"Well, he is in possession of a... video that he is using to blackmail me into giving him money."

"A video?" Mikey asked, raising an eyebrow at Ray (he was very good at raising his eyebrow at people).

"An... explicit video containing graphic... behaviour."

"Like porn?" Gerard asked, smirking slightly at his boss.

"Yes," he replied, clearing his throat and repositioning his red tie.

"So, you made a porn video with a random guy and now he's blackmailing you with it?" He asked, snorting when Ray nodded slightly. "Well you've had a busy weekend."

"Well, technically I didn't know he was filming our... encounter until it was too late." Gerard snickered at that, but was secretly jealous that his boss had had time to fuck someone when he had been too busy killing someone to take some 'time off'.

"Gerard!" Mikey warned his brother, elbowing him in the ribs.

"No, no, it's Ok. It's not like I can fire the two of you anyway, since you two are the best at your job."

"Does that mean I can put more firecrackers in the toilets?" Gerard asked.

Ray replied with a "No!" the same time Mikey said "So it wasn't an accident!" Gerard just stuck his tongue out to his brother which resulted in him getting slapped in the shoulder. Ray just sat there watching the two best assassins in the business acting like five year-olds, which is how they usually acted. He wondered how, Gerard especially, was so immature but managed to kill more effectively and efficiently than anyone he knew. After a moment of watching the two bicker, he just sighed and ordered them out of his office, giving them their target's address before they slammed his door shut.

After the Way brothers left, Ray wondered to himself how he possibly got into this mess before remembering the amazing sex he had with Iero and feeling the slight ache in his backside. Oh yeah...

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