17: All's Well That Ends Well... Unless You're Gerard

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When Gerard got out of the car to talk to Billie joe, Mike, Tre and Bob, he never expected things to go wrong. There was no possibility in his mind that he could lose his brother in anyway possible. Which is why he and Frank went down into the tunnel like planned to break his brother out whilst the rest distracted Pete with bullets.

Everyone agreed that Gerard and Frank would wait in the entrance to the tunnel until they heard shooting to make sure that they didn't unexpectedly run into Pete, and so they did. They, waited eagerly for the others to ready themselves up for a fight and after the first bullet was heard they ran as fast as they could in the short space the tunnel provided them.

It took a couple of minutes longer than expected but after a short while, they were pushing open the trap door to be greeted with a sight that would haunt Gerard's dreams till the day he died. It was Mikey. But he was pointing a knife at a sobbing man who was pleading for his life.

"Mikey! W-what are you doing?!?" Gerard yelled, trying desperately to plead with his brother from across the room. He was frozen in place from the shock of how he found his brother - dangerous, criminal, and missing a leg.

"I'm doing what I was meant to do," Mikey replied, sounding like a robot, emotionless and without any care for the man in front of him. "Wanna see?" And then he turned back to the innocent man and shoved a knife through his throat.

Gerard felt his eyes widen and knees go weak, the only thing keeping him up was the feel of Frank's hand griping his shoulder tight in fear.

"Why?" Was the only thing Gerard could say as he turned his teary eyes from the corpse to his brother.

"Because I can, because it was fun." Came Mikey's deadpan response. His cold eyes bore into Gerard's and made shivers of fear run down his spine.

"What happened to you Mikes?"

"What happened is you left me here to go and fuck your new boyfriend." He responded with a bit more emotion, but that emotion was anger, which just fuelled his hate for everything but Pete.

"No I didn't Mikey! I've spent every waking moment since you were kidnapped trying to find a way to get you back! Please just come with me and we can help you," Gerard pleaded.

"He doesn't need help," Came a voice from behind Mikey. Looking up, Gerard saw Pete holding Billie Joe by the throat with a gun to his temple. "Hey Frank, how's Patty cakes doing?" He said with a wink and a sly smirk.

"Fuck you," Frank spat from behind Gerard, he could feel the anger and hate emanating off of him.

"No thanks, I've got Mikey for that, haven't I pumpkin?"

"Of course sexy," Mikey replied.

"Okay can we move this along so I don't throw up please?" Billie Joe spoke up with a disgusted look on his face, "I really don't want to have to be the meat in this sandwich lover boys."

"Shut up!" Pete growled in his ear, pressing the gun further into his skull.

"Let him go," Gerard said simply.

"Why should I? You came into my home, to steal my property-"

"Except Mikey isn't your property," Frank cut in, scowling.

"Yes I am, I belong to him," came his reply, he looked at Pete like he was the greatest thing that walked the earth and it sickened Gerard.

"See? He wants this, he wants me. Now walk away before I put a bullet through all of your brains. I won't ask again."

"No, I'm not leaving without my brother!"

It took a millisecond. Not even that. And the sound of a bang filled the room, leaving Billie Joe's body to fall to the floor and his brains to be scattered along the wall and ceiling. Gerard was completely frozen for a moment, staring at his friends corpse on the ground and blaming himself for this tragic turn of events.

When he looked up, he found his own brother holding a gun and aiming at his head.

"Leave now. Or you and your boyfriend are next."

Gerard was too shocked to react in any way. The only way he managed to get out alive was the gentle push and shoves from Frank that were guiding his way out the front door and across to the street to the parked van that three men were leaning propped up against. They all had bullet wounds however none of them fatal if they got to a hospital soon.

"Where's Billie Joe? Where is he?" Tre asked with panic in his eyes.

"He's gone. Pete shot him." Frank answered for Gerard who was still trying to process all that had happened.

"And Mikey?" Bob asked softly.

"Mikey... Doesn't want to be saved."

And that was all everyone needed to let the feeling of failure sink in. All that they had went through had been for nothing. Billie Joe had died for nothing. And now Gerard had not only lost one of his greatest friends, but also his brother, in ways maybe even worse than death. He felt lost and alone and confused. He knew he was in a hospital somewhere and that there were doctors talking to him but he didn't understand what that meant.

A long while later he knew that there was this woman with soft features looking and talking to him but he couldn't hear what she was saying. All he could do was replay everything that had happened in his mind over and over again.

And then again, Frank was crying at him and begging him to say something - anything - as these strange people took him away to a land of straight jackets and padded cells but he was powerless to stop it. He heard someone reassuring Frank that this was for the best to make sure he was well looked after. He thanked that man in the white coat for making Frank feel a little better when he couldn't. At least, he looked a little better, there were still tears in his eyes but at least he was willing to part ways with a kiss on the forehead and a promise of visits.

Which lead Gerard to the present moment. Sitting on a white bed and looking out the small window in his bedroom to see the moon. He couldn't sleep. Everytime he closed his eyes the same dream attacked him, so he laid awake, staring at the wall in front of him for hours on end, wasting away as his thoughts stayed with Mikey and how Gerard had ruined him...

(A/N: So it's finished!!! It took me long enough... I do have a sequel in mind because I feel evil leaving it here and there hasn't been all too much Frerard in this really. And I do really want to write a sequel but I don't know if I'll have the time to considering I have more exams coming up soon. But I'll see.

Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed the story and didn't mind my exceptionally terrible writing. Thanks for sticking around and being patient with the slow updates! And remember to keep being you!)

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