3: "Hey! He Hasn't Paid Me Yet!"

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"So what's the plan?" Mikey asked finally, as he parked the car across the street from Iero's house. The outside of the house didn't look particularly inviting with peeling paint, damaged windows, and a door that didn't really close. The brothers could tell that Iero didn't spend too much time in his own home and they both secretly hoped that he would be in so they wouldn't have to drive another two hours back to headquarters just to report failure.

"I dunno, how do you think we should handle it?" Gerard shrugged, looking at the house with slight disgust. "He might not even be in. I doubt someone would live in a house without a locking front door, it doesn't exactly scream a safe place..."

"Yes, but these people don't live like we do. They don't need to constantly hide from danger."

"Mikey, it's New Jersey. You remember what this place is like, we grew up here after all."

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Both Mikey and Gerard sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking about how they should approach the situation. Not many people would expect this from them but both of the brother's were highly intelligent and knew the dangers of their job. Once, they hadn't been too careful and Gerard had been shot in the shoulder, resulting in a nasty injury and an even nastier scar. Let's say they both learned from that mistake.

"Why don't you go in and see if it's empty or not," Mikey suggested to his brother, "you could probably deal with him yourself but if you need help it means we can have the element of surprise. He probably won't be expecting more people to turn up and, let's face it, he won't have the training we have had and will have no chance of getting out of this alive."

"Ok, but if either of us get into trouble we should shoot twice in the sky to let the other know."

"Yeah, that's a good idea, but I doubt I'll get into much trouble out here."

"Well, I'll probably be back soon enough anyway." Gerard said, stepping out of the car and slamming the door behind him. He walked casually towards the house and edged his way towards the front door, curling his top lip in disgust when he noticed the amount of filth there was. He was silently thankful that the door was already open because he was sure forcing his way in would draw some attention to him.

Squeezing through the gap in the door, he stepped into the hallway and immediately noticed the improvements inside. The thing that piqued Gerard's interest was how his target chose to decorate the hallway. There was a line of chairs down the length of the hallway on one side and a strange array of art on the other side. It looks like a waiting room. Gerard noted to himself. He wondered just how good this Iero guy was if he felt the need to have a waiting room. Then again, the fact that it was empty really said something too. Maybe his target just had a big ego with a lot of arrogance.

After looking at the art for a bit (Gerard really did love art), he went through the first door he saw to find even more emptiness. This room however, wasn't so nice and just contained a couple of tatty sofas and a crappy TV. Gerard assumed that Iero just didn't show his clients this room and, chuckling slightly to himself, he left and made his way to the next door. This was the door that the row of chairs led to and Gerard approached this door with a bit more hesitation.

He wondered to himself what sight would greet him and his mind instantly thought back to the minimal amount of porn he had watched. He didn't exactly have much time for porn since he had been working for his agency since he was a young teenager. It wasn't normal for people his age to join and the agency were in fact going to decline his request for joining. However, they soon reconsidered when they learnt about all the abuse he and his brother were receiving from their drunk parents.

Nothing could really prepare Gerard's mind for what he was about to see, so instead of hesitating further, he pulled his gun out (after a bit of difficulty) and ran in.

Even after knowing his targets occupation, he definitely wasn't prepared to be greeted with the sight of two men fucking. But no, they weren't just fucking, the were using toys and they were filming it too. Gerard froze, not quite sure what to do with himself.

But he was soon forced to act when the man Iero was having sex with yelled at him and raised a gun of his own that was sitting on the bedside table. The man had long, black, greasy hair and an angry look in his eyes.

Before the man could even think about pulling the trigger, however, Gerard refocused his aim and shot. The bullet went exactly where Gerard was aiming at and soon the stranger was falling to the ground with a hole in his head and a river of blood pouring from it.

"Hey!" Iero yelled, eyes narrowing at the assassin, "He hasn't paid me yet!"

"You don't need money in Hell," Gerard replied and moved his gun to point at the shorter man. Iero's eyes widened slightly before pulling out a gun of his own. Huh, so porn stars do have guns Gerard thought to himself as his finger began to squeeze on the trigger.

Bang. Bang.

Gerard's head whipped towards the door when he heard his brother's gun shoot twice. He knew this meant he needed help but he was torn. Should he finish the job he was given or help his brother? His decision was made when he heard his brother's cry of pain and he shot towards the door.

"Mikey!" He called in a panic.

He was outside in a matter of seconds but it wasn't fast enough. Instead of finding his brother, he was greeted with the sight of blood. Mikey's blood. But were was his body?

Gerard's question was answered for him when he saw a piece of paper taped to the window of his car. He ran over to it, ripped it from the window, and read the cryptic message.

'Thanks for the toy boy,
Love Pete.'

"Who the fuck is Pete?" He asked himself

"Pete took your brother?" A voice behind him asked. Gerard whipped around to find the man he was supposed to shoot leaning against his door frame with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"He's dead then."

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