11: Meet Bob: My Trusty Steed

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"So... uh... I should probably phone the other guys then..." Gerard said awkwardly into the silence that occurred after the three men stepped into Patrick's house again.

"Yeah, that would be good," Patrick nodded.

"Just remember to put them on loud speaker!" Frank chimed in eagerly, who was in the kitchen, raiding Patrick's cupboards for any snacks.

"Nosy much?" Gerard yelled back, chuckling to himself.

"You betcha babe," Frank sounded whilst walking past Gerard and slapping his butt on the way.

"Hey!" He yelped, feeling his cheeks go warm.

"Well if you're gonna wear those tight jeans, it's gonna be hard for me to resist darlin'," Frank winked at the blushing man, who consequently averted his gaze and made himself busy by finding Billie Joe's phone number.

After fumbling around for a moment and nearly dropping his phone in the process, Gerard managed to dial the number and put it on loud speaker. He timidly looked up at the two men. Patrick was looking between him and Frank with an amused expression and Frank was smirking and looking at Gerard, his gaze flicking between his butt and his face.

Again, Gerard felt his cheeks warm when he met Frank's gaze and he nearly didn't realise when Billie Joe finally answered his phone. Lucky for him though, Billie had been smoking weed again and was incredibly loud when under the influence of it.

"Hey, Geebear my man!" Billie yelled obnoxiously, "How have you been?"

"Um... not too great," Gerard replied hesitantly, feeling shy and almost alien-like for some reason.

"Aw... Is it those dreams again? If you want we can meet up, smoke some weed and you can tell me all about it."

"No Billie, it's not the... dreams," Gerard said, anxiously looking at the two men in the room with him, "it's Mikey actually, he's in trouble."

"No way- Fuck- Wait a moment dude," he said before shouting at some other people, "Yo Tre, stop tryin' to shove that drumstick up Mike's ass you fucktard! Geebear's on the phone and needs our help."

"What's happened?" A voice that sounded like Mike's said whilst a scream that sounded like Tre's rang out too.

"Hey Tre, shut the fuck up!" Billie shouted at his friend again before lowering his voice and addressing what Gerard assumed was Mike. "Mikey is in trouble apparantly."

"What happened to him?" Tre asked, sounding kinda out of breath.

"A man named Pete kidnapped him." Frank spoke up, looking very confused and giving Gerard a weird look that he tried his best to ignore.

"Who's that?" Billie asked.

"A friend called Frank."

"Oh hey th- Wait did he say Pete?"

"Yep." Frank spoke again, popping the P in the word, "he did."

"That's not good," Tre said, starting to sound a bit worried despite being drugged up enough to think Mike would want a drumstick up his ass.

"Fuck, that's really not good news. Geebear, you probably want to stay clear of that then."

"I can't," Gerard said, sounding strained, "Billie, he took Mikey and you know I can't just not try. Even if it kills me, I will not stop until Mikey is safe!"

"Well what can we do for you then Geebear? If you are in then the three of us are in," Billie said with the sound of the other two agreeing in the background.

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