7: But There's Shit That I've Done With This Fuck Of A Gun...

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After countless hours of constant driving, Gerard finally found himself outside of the house that the address Frank had given him lead to. Frank had long ago fell asleep, since they had been driving overnight, and Gerard found himself studying his sleeping form in a totally non-creepy and non-homosexual way.

Gerard marvelled at how peaceful the man looked whilst sleeping. He was pretty sure that he didn't look that peaceful when sleeping, since night terrors had plagued his sleep since he was a young boy. Over the past decade or so, Gerard had found himself become dependant on coffee, since he hadn't really had a good night's sleep since the dreams started.

Frank let out a soft snore and his mouth fell open slightly. He looked so peaceful and cute that a part of Gerard didn't want to wake him up, however a slightly more mischievous part of him wanted to wake him up with a dose of adrenaline.

Snickering to himself slightly, Gerard reached for the fog horn that lived in the driver's side of the door as quietly as possible whilst keeping an eye on Frank. He grasped the fog horn and slowly put it next to Frank's ear, trying desperately to stifle the giggles of anticipation. After counting down from three in his head, he slammed his finger onto the button of the fog horn, releasing an incredibly loud, blaring noise.

"Ah!" Frank yelled, jolting awake with wide, scared eyes. Gerard stopped pressing on the fog horn and erupted into a fit of laughter. He couldn't stop the giggles and, soon enough, tears started to stream down his face.

"That was not funny, you dickhead!" Frank yelled again, only this time it was directed at the man who was practically rolling around in his seat. This comment only made Gerard laugh harder and it took him a good five minutes before he could calm down and regain his composure.

"Are you finished?" The shorter of the two asked, raising his eyebrows in an 'I'm not amused' way.

"I think so," Gerard gasped, still breathless from the laughter, "God, your face... you looked so shocked... And the way you just jumped up was-"

"Yes, it was hilarious..." Frank commented dryly, starting to regret his decision of travelling with Gerard.

"Well look who's the grumpy one now!"

"But- You did just- I mean- Oh fuck off!" Frank stuttered out, not being able to form a coherent sentence because of the sheer stupidity of the situation. Gerard chuckled lightly and announced that they had arrived. The two of them stepped out and headed towards the door of the house.

"His house looks a lot nicer than yours..." Gerard commented, looking at the well-kept lawn and clean exterior.

"His house smells nicer too, mine reeks of sex."

"Uh... sex has a smell?" Gerard asked, eyes widening innocently.

"Yep, maybe I can show you sometime." He winked, starting to flirt again. Gerard shuffled uncomfortably on the doorstep of the house and Frank laughed loudly, knocking on the door. "There's no way a you are skilled enough to take on Pete, you're just too innocent."

The challenge made Gerard grimace and cringe inwardly at himself and he muttered a 'you have no idea' to Frank. He was going to argue further but the door opened and a loud gasp resonated through the cold, winter air. Looking up, Gerard saw a normal looking man staring back at him with wide fearful eyes before pulling out a gun and training it on him.

"Woah, wait!" Frank exclaimed as he and Gerard raised their arms above their heads showing a lack of weapons, "I'm not here to hurt you Patrick!"

"Then why did you bring him?" He yelled, gesturing to Gerard with his gun.

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