6: The Awkward Part Of The Story Where The OTP Don't Like Each Other

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Gerard was getting ready to throw the annoying midget out of his car extremely soon.

All he had done for the past three hours was talk about random shit and sing really loudly to Gerard's music, including adding all the air guitars. Gerard and Mikey always sung along to all the tunes but for some reason, when Frank did it, it was very annoying.

It was also quite annoying how they had to stop yet again so Frank could pee. Gerard was starting to think that the man had a bladder that matched his size because this was the fith time they had to stop since they first left New Jersey.

"Done!" Came the shout from the already painfully familiar voice. Gerard didn't respond and just got in the car, waiting for the annoying man to get in too so they could drive away.

"You're a really grumpy person, you know." Frank continued when he jumped into the passenger seat and Gerard started driving again.

"I'm not usually but since my brother is now missing and I'm being forced to spend time with someone as annoying as you, I think I have a reason to be grumpy." Gerard replied through gritted teeth.

"Awww, I'm not that bad! You love me really, sugar," the shorter of the two said, batting his eyelashes.

"Stop flirting with me!"

"Why? Is it making you uncomfortable?" Frank asked, widening his eyes innocently whilst putting a hand at the top of Gerard's thighs.

"Uh... I-I'm driving," Gerard stuttered at the very close contact. He wasn't really fully comfortable with anything about Frank and he definitely wasn't used to people flirting with him. It scared him a bit and he didn't really know what to do.

"Then stop driving." Frank told him, starting to rub at Gerard's thigh. He was enjoying how uncomfortable he was making the red-haired man feel, he liked having an effect on people and Gerard quite obviously was being effected.

"Frank, please don't, I'm trying to drive."

"Fine..." Frank sighed, dragging out the word and rolling his eyes, but taking away his hand nonetheless. "But why so serious?"

Gerard smiled a bit at the batman reference. Batman was definitely one of his weaknesses. "Because I need to find Mikey. I was supposed to be looking after him, he's my younger brother and if I hadn't have hesitated and just shot you, he probably wouldn't be in this mess right now."

"Wow ok, I'm sorry for you being so scared about a bit of sex I guess..." Frank snapped sarcastically.

"Well it is my job to shoot people like you so-"

"People like me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?!?" He interrupted, starting to get angry.

"Criminals." Gerard stated.

"Oh because your record is squeaky clean," Frank said, voice dripping with venom and sarcasm, "you fucking kill people and I'm the bad guy because I have a lot of sex?"

"I don't give a fuck about your sex life, I came to kill you because you were blackmailing my boss into giving you money!"

"That's only 'cause the fucker didn't pay me in the first place."

"He probably didn't know he had to," Gerard said, defending his boss.

"No, I always make it perfectly clear that it is a paid service before I put my dick up someone's arse. Besides, you still don't exactly have a moral high-ground here, how many people have you killed?"

"First of all, I kill criminals. Second of all, don't even start to pretend you know anything about me! You don't know a thing about my sins, how the misery begins. I never had a choice when it came to this life. I never wanted it for me or for Mikey but I didn't have a choice."

"And what makes you think I did? What makes you the victim here?"

"I am not a victim!" Gerard snapped.

"Then stop acting like one." Frank replied, lowering his voice but not changing his pissed-off tone.

Gerard didn't respond and an angry silence fell between the two men. The only noise was the music coming out of the speakers and, although silence was what he wanted from the beginning, Gerard didn't feel comfortable at all.

He kept on replaying Frank's words in his mind. Was he playing the victim? Gerard never wanted to be a victim, that's why he became an assassin in the first place. He was done with being the victim and he was done with being the weak child who suffered abuse from his parents.

All Gerard had done throughout his life was try to forget his past. Whether that was through chasing his next kill or through taking drugs on his day off, he always managed to distract his mind. Now, though, with nothing to keep his mind busy, all the memories came flooding back. And he hated it.

He wanted to blame Frank for the memories but he knew he couldn't. Instead, he blamed Frank for his brother being taken from him because he knew that if he had just killed the shorter man when he had the chance, Mikey would still be here with him.

Now, though, he was forced to endure spending time with Frank, who for some reason, still insisted on being here. Gerard wondered why he cared so much. Surely, he didn't want to spend his time chasing after a stranger with a man he barely knew. The only explanation Gerard could find was that the man was incredibly stubborn but maybe there was another reason for the man's interest, something that the both of them didn't truly understand just yet...

(A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for the short chapter this week. I am trying to make them longer but sometimes I need to write shorter ones so the story flows a bit better. I don't really like writing time jumps within chapters because it doesn't feel as smooth.
This chapter is dedicated to gumlee_4ever for commenting and motivating me to write some more of this story. Thanks again for the views everyone, and remember to keep being you!)

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