12: Who Doesn't Like Waking Up With A Kick To The Balls?

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"Hey, jack-ass, get the fuck out of bed!"

That was the wonderful comment that woke Gerard up the next morning. Well, that and the sound of yelling... and a mysterious thumping noise.

A part of Gerard was way too tired to care and be curious but the other part of Gerard was now being jumped on top of by somebody. The thing that really woke Gerard up though was when the person jumping on him stood up and kicked him in the balls.

"Ow! Fuck!" Gerard yelped, rolling off the bed and clutching his junk as protection. He heard the person start to hysterically laugh just as another person entered the room.

"Gerard?" The new person said, sounding concerned as he crouched by his head. Gerard peeled his eyes open and found he was staring into the hazel eyes of Frank. He wondered who it was who kicked him in the balls if the only other person in the house was Patrick - and he was way to nice to do something so cruel.

Confused, he turned his head to look at the laughing figure of Billie Joe. When he met his eyes, Billie started laughing harder and began rolling around on the bed like a moron.

"You're such a fucking asshole!" Gerard yelled, lunging for the smaller man. Just before he made it to his target, however, a pair of hands caught him around the waist and held him back.

"Hey look, man, I'm sorry ok but you wouldn't wake up." Billie tried to reason with Gerard, who was still struggling against the pair of hands that were now wrapped around his stomach.

"So you kicked me in the fucking balls?" He screeched, seething with anger.

"Gerard calm down!" A voice said behind him. He froze when he realised who the voice- and arms- belonged to. Frank has been the one holding him back all this time, which was impressive considering his size.

As soon as Gerard stopped struggling, Frank released him from his arms. Turning around, Gerard met the man's eyes and started to complain. "But now my penis hurts!"

"Well I can kiss it better if you want." Frank winked, smirking yet again. Gerard's eyes widened at this suggestion and his cheeks turned pink again, which of course made Billie start laughing again.

"Aww... Is my Geebear getting nervous over some reference to sex... You're just too cute!" He exclaimed whilst giving 'Geebear' a bear hug.

"Fuck off 'William Joseph'," Gerard said, deliberately annoying the much shorter but much more feral man.

"Hey fuck you, don't call me that or I'll kick you in the dick again!" Billie warned him, pulling away from the hug and scowling like a five-year old who just got told he wasn't allowed any chocolate.

"Yeah well next time I'll be better prepared..." Gerard mumbled, matching the other man's scowl.

"C'mon ladies, break it up!" Frank cut in, rolling his eyes at the other two.

"Hey, I'm not a lady..." Gerard replied, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Cute..." Frank commented dryly, just like he did the first day the two of them met. Gerard was about to respond when he heard Patrick's voice from downstairs sounding tired and a little scared.

"Uh... Frank? Gerard? Do you mind giving me a hand here?" Frank just sighed, gave Gerard a pointed look, and walked out of the room. Curious as to what was happening, Gerard followed Frank downstairs and into the kitchen where four - well three - other people were standing. The other person was running around with a pan and a drumstick making enough noise to wake up an entire street.

"Hey Tre, shut the fuck up you idiot!" Billie shouted from behind Gerard, having followed him to the kitchen. Tre threw the pan at him and yelled, before sitting on the floor and crossing his arms and legs. Billie managed to dodge the pan that flew into the living room and, luckily, landed on the armchair instead of the TV.

Gerard looked around at the other three people in the room. Patrick looked very stressed and like he was about to pull his own hair out, which made Gerard feel slightly guilty because he was the reason these people were here. Mike was grinning like an idiot at Billie and Tre, apparently finding their little exchange quite amusing. And Bob was just leaning against the kitchen counter looking both bored and annoyed at the amount of idiocy in the room.

"Care to tell us what happened yet?" Bob asked Gerard, raising his eyebrows. Everyone else turned to Gerard with expectant looks on their faces, wanting to know how Gerard was in this mess. Gerard just sighed and began with the job Ray had assigned him to do and ending with everyone in the kitchen.

"Shit..." Mike said quietly, looking at Billie with a concerned expression.

"So what your saying is that Mikey has been with Pete for about two days now..?" Billie asked.

"Yeah, and we need to get him back!" Gerard replied with urgency in his voice.

"Dude, are you sure he's not already... dead?"

"No!" Gerard exclaimed, looking horrified, "of course he's not dead. He can't be dead, he's my baby brother and I have to look after him so we need to think up a plan and go quickly!"

"Gerard... it's alright, we'll get him back," Frank soothed him, putting a hand on his arm and looking at him intently. He took a deep breath and nodded, looking back at Frank. In the back of his mind, a small voice was telling him just how beautiful Frank's eyes were and how they seemed to sparkle in some places, the places that were flecked with hazel and gold.

"Hellooooo, Earth to the lover boys!" Billie's obnoxious voice interrupted whatever 'moment' the two men were having, "there's time to fuck each other later, after we've come up with the plan."

"Yeah, what is this 'plan' exactly? How do we even know where this guy lives, or where he's taken Mikey?" Bob asked everyone sceptically.

"I know where he would have taken Mikey," Patrick spoke up for the first time today, "he has this safe house that's really secure - he used to take people there all the time to 'play' with them before he killed them. Of course, I only found this out after... everything."

"So where is it?" Billie cut in.

"In LA. I'll give you the exact address later, when we've thought up a plan together."

"OK then, what else should we know? Just how secure is this place?" Mike asked.

"Well I have blueprints of the place here," he told everyone, rolling out the blueprints on the dining room table, "as you can see, I've marked out the places where the traps are and I've drawn out the best place to enter and exit the building."

"Ok..." Gerard said, nodding. His brain was kicking into 'assassin' mode. Deadly serious, deadly crafty, and just deadly in all. Every person in the room turned their full attention on to him - ever Tre. "I think the best way to do this is some of us try to get in through the front door. Be stupid, draw him out, even set off some of these traps if we have to. That will distract him and then the others can sneak in through the trapdoor that leads into the basement, I think we can access the tunnels through the sewers - is that right?" He asked, turning to Patrick, who nodded.

"Good. Once we're in, we just have to avoid the rest of these fucking traps and then get to Mikey. I don't know what state he'll be in so we'll do our best to get him out the house, through the sewer again if we have to, and get him to the nearest hospital. When we get him out, we can all regroup and go back to kill that motherfucker. He's too dangerous for us to let live and, besides, he's probably quite high on our organisation's hit list. Does the plan sound good to everyone?"

Everyone in the room nodded, looking satisfied with the plan.

"What are the teams then?" Tre asked, starting to look excited.

"Well you three," he said, nodding at Billie, Mike and Tre, "work well in a team and are great shooters, so you can do the distracting. Me, Frank, and Bob will get Mikey."

"Sounds good to me." Bob said before lifting up a large, black bag (that looked disturbingly like a body bag), "oh and I brought some firepower by the way."

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