13: Apparently Pete Is Now A Surgeon Or Something... So Yeah...

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When Mikey finally became conscious again, he wasn't just slightly confused, he was also fucking terrified. Of course, he was confused because he was about 97% sure he had died and was wondering if maybe he had finally made it to Hell. But the fear came from the fact that, when he looked towards his left leg, all he saw was a fucking stump.

After making this very unwanted discovery, panic started to run through his body. His once calm blood boiled with the venomous feeling and his breath started coming out in a short sharp bursts. He felt as though he was suffocating and all he could do was fight against the pressure in his chest by sucking in as much air as possible while his eyes fixated on the stump that was once his left leg.

"Hey, hey Mikey - calm down," said a voice with a soothing tone. The voice came from the left of Mikey and when he turned to see the origin of the voice, his panic increased sevenfold.

"What did you do to me?" Mikey all but screemed at Pete whilst doing his best to move as far away from him as possible. Of course, this was easier said then done with only one leg to account for.

"I had to amputate the leg - you had a fucking arrow coming out of it! And it may or may not have had poison laced in the wood..." Pete tried to reason, starting to become a little annoyed with the hyperventilating man.

"Oh my God, I can't believe this. Please tell me this isn't happening," Mikey begged, breaking down into a bundle of tears. His mind couldn't even begin to comprehend what this would mean for him if he ever got out of this situation alive. He no longer had a left leg. It would take him months - maybe even years - to learn to walk again and even when he does, his life would never be the same again! How would he ever work with his brother again? How would he even function properly again?

"Mikey, I am so sorry, ok? I didn't mean for this to happen to you!" Pete said, looking so broken and apologetic.

"Oh ok then. So what did you expect to happen when you decided to kidnapped me and tie me up in your house? Did you think that I was just going to be totally ok with it?" Mikey ranted, his mood suddenly swinging again, only this time towards anger and rage.

"No of course not you idiot but I never hurt you, did I? I never wanted you to have to lose a leg," he replied, trying desperately to calm the man down.

"I don't even know what to say... My life is now ruined all thanks to you!"

"I- I'm sorry, but your life doesn't have to be over. Losing a limb doesn't mean that, it just means things might just be a little harder."

"Why do you even care?" Mikey growled at the shorter man. He had so many thoughts and emotions swimming in his mind, he could only pick one to focus on or he would be overwhelmed, so he decided to focus on the fact that Pete hadn't seemed to care about his welfare before now.

"I don't know, ok? All I know is that seeing you bleeding out, seeing you nearly dead just- It changed me. And I just couldn't leave you there... I had to do something." Pete explained with a faraway look in his eye, as if he was reliving the moment all over again.

"Right - and now I guess you're expecting something in return," Mikey said, still not believing in Pete's suddenly caring attitude, "I'm guessing you want to dom me again or something like that..."

"No - well I mean we could if you want to but-"

"That was neither an offer nor a suggestion you idiot!" He yelled, deciding to interrupt before anything else was said.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry. I just- I like you, ok?" Pete replied, his eyes growing softer.

"Yeah ok then, whatever you say Pete. I mean, you've done a great job at showing your undying love for me..." Mikey thought that now was a perfect time for sarcasm since he didn't believe a single word that came out of his mouth.

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