10: The Almost Great Escape

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It was a long night for a sexually frustrated Mikey. Pete was no where to be seen after their little exchange and Mikey thought he had heard him slam the front door at one point, so he must have gone out - probably to the pub.

Poor Mikey had been left to deal with his own problems all by his self when, in fact, most of his problems had occurred all because of Pete in the first place. The biggest problem, of course, was the fact that he had been left with a rather precarious boner and with no means to get rid of it.

In the end, he managed to rid himself of it by thinking of his brother shitting quite viciously on a toilet which wasn't exactly the nicest image of a sibling you could have. It especially didn't exactly help Mikey's circumstances since, instead of focusing on a way to either escape or survive, he was too busy fantasising about his brother on a toilet.

Then again, it did help distract him from his current feelings though. Not the sensible ones that told his brain to start worrying and to actually think. No, the feelings that kept on replaying the feeling of Pete's hands on his skin, or the strange pleasure that the cold knife produce when it was running along his skin.

Mikey mentally punched himself in the face. He needed to seriously stop with all of these thoughts: both sexual ones and ones about his brother on the toilet... What he really needed to do right now is focus on the problem at hand. If he managed to survive then he could worry about the smell his brother would leave once finished on the toilet.

He wanted to look around the room to try and find a way out of the situation he was in but he still had that damn blindfold tied around his eyes, restricting his vision to practically nothing. The fact that Pete was pretty drunk when he tied the knot probably meant that he didn't do a very good job so Mikey tried shaking his head violently to see if anything would happen

Surprisingly, he felt the blindfold loosen a little. This sparked a bit of hope in Mikey so he tried even more to get the cloth from around his head. After a moment or two of more violent head-shaking, the blindfold slipped from around his eyes and his vision came back to him.

The first thing he noticed was that it was night time. Luckily, Pete had been thoughtful enough to leave a lamp on in the corner of the room. The second thing he noticed was the large chefs knife protruding from the coffee table across the room. The knife seemed to have been thrown into the surface by Pete so the hilt was facing up and some of the blade was still dangerously exposed.

"Ah, gotcha!" He exclaimed quietly under his breath, well he tried to but he still had a gag in his mouth, so all that really came out was a few muffled noises. To get closer to the blade he started pushing on the floor with his feet and tilting his weight towards the coffee table. Believe it or not, assassin's actually get trained in the art of chair shuffling; you never know when you might need it, after all.

Soon enough, he was close enough to see the fine detail of the knife and all that was left was to turn the chair around so he could cut the rope that was binding his arms behind his back. With a lot of effort, Mikey managed to cut through the rope on his wrists. He yelled with relief after ripping the gag from his mouth and taking in an unrestricted breath of air.

The next thing for him to do was cut the rope holding his legs to the chair. To do this, Mikey simply removed the knife from the table and started to saw through the bindings. It merely took about a minute and then he was standing up for what felt like the first time in ages.

Mikey couldn't believe it. It surely couldn't be that easy to escape... could it? After all, Pete was supposed to be smart and good at all of this. Then again, he was also really quite drunk so maybe it actually could be that easy to escape and find his brother again.

With a sense of victory running throughout his body, he left what he assumed was the living room by the same door Pete had exited. It led to a narrow, badly-lit corridor that contained a few other doors leading to various other places. The only door Mikey was interested in, though, was the one that looked like the front door - the way out. So, gripping the knife firmly in his right hand, he headed towards his freedom.

Not thinking he needed to worry about traps, Mikey just kicked open the door after learning that he had been locked in. The second the lock broke in the door, a loud alarm sounded and some mechanical clicking started. Frozen with shock, Mikey forgot he had to get away as quickly as possible.

Only a moment after Mikey stupidly thought kicking a door open was a better idea than picking the lock, a quiet shooting sound sounded behind Mikey. Before he had the chance to turn around, a sharp, ripping pain tore through his lower left leg and he felt himself fall to the floor.

He couldn't think. All he knew was the pain in his leg. He didn't even realise he was yelling - no screaming - in agony. Looking at his lower half, he saw what it was that caused the pain. An arrow had been shot into the back of it somehow and it had been carrying so much momentum that it managed to pierce through his entire leg so that two gaping holes were pouring out litres of blood.

I'm going to die. Was the thought going through his mind. He was either going to die of blood loss or of infection later probably. In fact, he was ready to just give up and let the pain take over him when a certain someone charged into the house.

"What the-" Mikey heard someone say. He couldn't quite see who it was because his vision was starting to blur but whoever it was had sounded very shocked. The person was also starting towards him at an alarming pace.

"Oh my God..." He said again. This time, he sounded worried and unsure. The man started to press bundles of cloth on Mikey's wound which just amplified the pain. It all became too much for Mikey; his vision started to fade and he began to slip into unconscious again.

And just like last time, he welcomed the darkness...

(A/N: Fuck yeah! My first story on Wattpad has reached 100 views which wouldn't have been able to happen without the reader, of course. So thank you so much for all the views, you guys are amazing!
Make sure to keep reading, voting and sharing the chapters and remember to keep being you.)

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