flying in April

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April whispers
In my hair once again
It's winds gently
Wrestling with winter's

The world above me
Renders into glistening
While the blue that held
The days sway
Ebbs way to a hazy blush

I see these things with two tiny eyes
And two burning hands
Holding onto chains
I swing
As if gravity
Was mine
To be claimed

The unrelenting rush to my lungs
When I see the birds fly

Oh, how I would love to be up there
Touching the colors

Feeling every high and low
Of the winds spreading
Between my wings
To let go of every inch
This life could offer
And be at peace

My boots look
As if they could touch the sky
And meet with birds
Maybe we can talk about the color
Blue in sing song
While we fly
Never knowing the weight
Of gravity
That fills the space

When my mom calls my name
And the last sqeak from the chains
Has been spent in a millisecond
I go home
And talk with the moon

Telling him all about the sun
And the sunset she gave me
To hold onto
As if it was a dream

This is all yours
I would've sworn she whispered in the wind
And I knew
That sky
Was mine
To be claimed

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