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I can't feel it anymore

Don't you understand
I'm not bound by your hand

You can't write me poems
And draw thoughts
Of my childhood
As if it will give me peace

You've already ruined
Your piece

I loved you

I fell out of love with you

We were nothing
But limmerence

I saw you
As someone better
Then what
I could possibly be

I didn't even try
To flee

I'm getting older now
Becoming something
You would frown

Somthing about
This age
Makes me think
You will never
Try to change

It's fragile
This goodbye

Almost like holding
Onto a butterfly

Give me time to heal
And maybe
There will be a chance
Taken away by a glance
That I will allow you
Here by my side
For the very last time

Snowflakes in Spring Where stories live. Discover now