lost her

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We were everything
You could expect

The couple
Who said
They loved
Each other
At first sight

I'd come home
And know
That always
You would be there
Waiting on me

You were easy
To sucome too

Incredibly invulnerable
To who I am
And who I was

Someone who
Asked a million questions

Someone who
Had intertwined
With the idea of never
As forever

I apologize
For never
You were there

You looked at me
As you walked away

Begging me
To make you stay

We were the ones
Who never looked
To the future

Now I'm questioning
If there is a future
Where you are mine

A future
Where we stay
Always and forever

I realize all too quick
That I won't be the girl
You hold onto
As you spill out humor

I won't be her

I won't be her

I will never ever be her

I won't be the girl
You know
Just another you knew

I've given up
For you

All of it
Gone away
With what used to be us

This is when
I should apologize
But I don't have it in me
To try
To piece
This together

I'm not
Going back in time
To fix an imperfected rumor

What's done is done

You lost her

You lost me
No going back now

I'll be the one
You'll whisper to your friends
"knew her,"

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