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I couldn't waste any more time than what I had

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I couldn't waste any more time than what I had.

I opened the doors of the dauntless entrance and stormed out of the building, looking left and right to see if anyone was watching. The coast was clear. I turned to my left as I ran to where the train was.

I got up onto the train and sat on the ground, holding my jacket in my hand as I stare in front of me. What was I going to do?

As the train made its way into the city, I climbed out where I stood in front of a familiar scenery. The erudite faction.

I walked confidently through the crowd. I could feel the stares burning at the back of my head. They knew who I was, and I knew who they were. To feel such like an outsider to a place that you used to call home was never something that felt right to me but, then again, they were wearing blue and I was wearing black.

I walked towards the entrance building as I make my way up the steps. It all came flooding back, all the corridors I used to take, but this time, the feeling wasn't welcoming or natural.

I walk into the glass top of the building where the library was as I saw more people who I remembered. I looked around to see where my brother was and that's where I spotted him, already looking at me as he walks closer.

"Aurora." He stared at me.

I noticed he used my whole name but I tried to ignore it. He hugged me briefly before I pulled away.

"What are you doing here?" He questions.

"You know." Was all I could say.

His look grew concerned as he pulled me by the arm to find somewhere more private.

"What happened."

"We are at stage two. People are already catching on." I shrugged.

"Did you tell them?"

"No, I haven't."

"I'm not going to make it at dauntless, they're going to find out at the final stage. I need to find a way out before anything happens." I quickly speak.

"You can't." Parker bluntly returned.

"Do you think mum can bring me back to Erudite?"

"She won't let that. They can't be, while abnegation is breaking the rules."

"Erudite is seriously taking charge as government?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, Erudite should be in charge, not abnegation. Abnegation failed, now it's up to us to restore that."

I ignore his comment.

"Second stage, first day. I was in an hallucination, mum was there, she burned my back. When I woke up, the burns were there..." I say closing my eyes.

"Was she manipulating the simulation?" I reopened my eyes.

"I'm not sure, Rory." Parker's look in distress.

"Listen, closely Aurora. Mum's planning on taking over, she's distributing the serum, partly to control the minds of others but also to separate the divergents. You won't be affected by the serum, like we tested. But you need to pretend that you are. That's your biggest concern. You can get past second stage; you just need to think about the most obvious option instead of relying on your instinct. Just be brave, Rory. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I quickly nodded my head, processing what he said.

"You should go before mum knows you're here." He looks to me one last time before leaving me. 

𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑻 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now