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Tobias pulls me against him. We bend our knees and our heads so that we are enclosed together in a room of our own making, unable to see those who trouble us, our breath mixing on the way in and on the way out. I lean my head into his shoulder, taking deep breaths of his skin.

"It's only me and Parker now." I managed to say.

"I know." was all Four could reply.

"I didn't think she was going to do this." Referring to my mum.

I sniffle as my head moves from the comfort of his warmth.

"Her actions don't define who you are." Four says as he leans his lips against the top of my forehead.

"But they do. Everything she did today, it was because of me."

"And now we have nothing. We have no home, no faction...I don't even know who I am anymore."

Four takes my face into my hands as he brushes my hair from my face and soothes my shoulders.

"I know exactly who you are." Four looks to me.

"Are you sure about that?" I give him a worried look.

"Yeah, I'm sure about that." He admits.

I exhale in relief.

"Come here." He says as I lean my head back against his shoulder as he hugs me.

I slightly look over to me as I see Parker and Peter talking, but as I look to each one of them, I can only feel a sense of longing for the presence of Sarai. She should be here.

I think back to Will's lifeless body and my eyes close, a tear escaping but it's caught by Four's jacket. Will shouldn't be dead, he deserved to live, and so the burden of his death, the image of me killing him was needed to be protected from everyone including Four.

Abnegation and Dauntless are both broken, their members scattered. We're like the factionless now. I do not know what life will be like, separated from a faction—it feels disengaged, like a leaf divided from the tree that gives it sustenance. We are creatures of loss; we have left everything behind. I have no home, no path, and no certainty. I am no longer Aurora, the knowledgeable, or Quinn, the brave.

I suppose that now, I must become more than either.

But we found ourselves and each other. 

Tomorrow we may have to fight again. 

But, for now... 

We ride the train to the end of the line and then, we'll jump.

𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑻 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now