*ೃ༄ 12 ༄ೃ*

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That night I dream that Sarai hangs from the railing again, by her toes this time, and someone shouts that only someone who is Divergent can help her. So, I run forward to pull her up, but someone shoves me over the edge, and I wake before I hit the rocks.

Sweat-soaked and shaky from the dream, I walk to the girls' bathroom to shower and change. When I come back, the word "Nose" is spray-painted across my mattress in red. The word is written smaller along the bed frame, and again on my pillow. I look around, my heart pounding with anger.

Peter stands behind me, whistling as he fluffs his pillow. It's hard to believe I could hate someone who looks so kind—his eyebrows turn upward naturally, and he has a wide, white smile.

"Nice decorations," he says.

"Did I do something to you that I'm unaware of?" I demand. I grab the corner of a sheet and yank it away from the mattress. "I don't know if you've noticed, but we are in the same faction now."

"I don't know what you're referring to," he says lightly. Then he glances at me. "And you and I will never be in the same faction."

I shake my head as I remove my pillowcase from the pillow. Don't get angry. He wants to get a rise out of me; he won't. But every time he fluffs his pillow, I think about punching him in the gut. I don't understand out of all the Erudite transfers, he's decides to pick me.

Al walks in, and I don't even have to ask him to help me; he just walks over and strips bedding with me. I will have to scrub the bed frame later. Al carries the stack of sheets to the trash can and together we walk toward the training room.

"Ignore him," Al says. "He's an idiot, and if you don't get angry, he'll stop eventually."

"Yeah." I touch my cheeks. They are still warm with an angry blush. I try to distract myself. "Did you talk to Will?" I ask quietly. "After.... you know."

"Yeah. He's fine. He isn't angry." Al sighs. "Now I'll always be remembered as the first guy who knocked someone out cold."

"There are worse ways to be remembered. At least they won't antagonize you."

"There are better ways too." He nudges me with his elbow, smiling. "First jumper."

Maybe I was the first jumper, but I suspect that's where my Dauntless fame begins and ends.

I clear my throat. "One of you had to get knocked out, you know. If it hadn't been him, it would have been you."

"Still, I don't want to do it again." Al shakes his head, too many times, too fast. He sniffs. "I really don't."

We reach the door to the training room and I say, "But you have to."

He has a kind face. Maybe he is too kind for Dauntless?

There's a comfortable silence between us until I speak up.

"Are you afraid?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Of what exactly?" He looks back to me.

"Of Dauntless, how the rules have changed. Don't you think that's strange?"

I've only known Al for a couple days and from the night I heard him cry to his regret on fighting Will, I have my doubts that he will fit in. Sure, it takes time to adjust, this isn't easy for anyone, but it seems as though he's not interested in fighting or defending himself, it's almost like his height is the only thing that makes him slightly intimidating.

"To tell you the truth Quinn, yes, but who isn't terrified of this place, their new rules are only to show their ruthlessness." Al slightly whispers to me, as though someone is listening in on our conversation. 

𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑻 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now