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When it felt like the right time to get out of bed, I notice Four was no longer on the floor

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When it felt like the right time to get out of bed, I notice Four was no longer on the floor. Not even in the room that is. I wondered how I didn't hear him leave as I was up most of the night. Still tired I sat against the bed. My hair fell into my face, my ponytail must've fallen out through the night. Pushing my hair back to uncover my face, my brown hair was fluffy and was behind my shoulders. I never particularly liked my hair down but I was too tired to care.

Turning round, the footsteps of Four echoed as he walked towards the table opposite the desk.

"How you feeling?" He asks, his voice low.

"Fine." I straightened my back.


He touches my bruised cheek with just his fingertips. "Not bad," he says. "How's your head?"

"Fine," I say. I'm lying— I brush my fingers over the bump, and pain prickles over my scalp. It could be worse. I could be floating in the river.

Every muscle in my body tightens as his hand drops to my side, where I got kicked. He does it casually, but I can't move.

"And your side?" he asks, his voice low.

"Only hurts when I breathe."

He smiles. "Not much you can do about that."

"Peter would probably throw a party if I stopped breathing."

"Well," he says, "I would only go if there was cake."

I laugh, and then wince, covering his hand to steady my rib cage. He slides his hand back slowly, his fingertips grazing my side. When his fingers lift, I feel an ache in my chest. Once this moment ends, I have to remember what happened last night. And I want to stay here with him. 

He sets a bottle onto the table and stops.

"Where'd you go yesterday?" He turns back round.

"To see my brother." I breathe in.

"It's getting a little boring for you here, is it?"

"You wouldn't understand regardless." I stood up after putting my shoes on.

"Try me." He challenged as he stood close to me.

"There's a plan that erudite will overthrow Abnegation. It's only going to get worse." I say, glaring at him. He pushed the limit this time.

"And what has this got to do with you?"

"I think their plan involves me. The mistakes I made while I was there." I finished my sentence, biting my tongue to make sure I don't tell him anything else.

"I think you got other things you need to worry about...Don't you?" He asks.

I didn't respond to his question.

𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑻 . Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now