23. a recipe for a bone glass and morbid dreams

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chapter twenty-three,
a recipe for a bone glass and morbid dreams.

THE RIDE HOME WAS SILENT, BUT MAYBE IT WAS FOR THE BEST. Sophie didn't appreciate the pitiful looks that were sent her way during the drive. She was already embarrassed enough for causing a scene in the middle of a dangerous case. So instead of acknowledging them, she just stared out at the passing buildings, relishing in the comfort of a warm hand intertwined with her own.

They slowly filed out of the cab, the four of them falling in line stumbling to the crumbling steps of Portland Row. It was cold out but the iron knob of the door felt warm under Sophie's touch from the rising sun when she pushed it open. The heavy door creaked open and she gladfully stepped inside the home. The familiar smell of honey and toast was enough to relax her tense shoulders.

"I'm just going to dive into these papers," George was the first of them to speak, The boy didn't even bother putting his rapier in the basket before strolling quickly past the tall girl.

"Go for it," Lucy mumbled, letting the straps of her bag fall from her shoulders. She let out a huff, holding it in her hands with a frown. "I'm going to put him away for a bit. He obviously can't be trusted."

Sophie gave a small nod, fumbling with the buttons of her jacket before they finally came undone and she slipped it off. "Can I do anything?" Lockwood asked for the third time since Sophie's attack. He reached for the jacket in her hands before taking it off her and hanging it up on the coat rack.

"I'm going to be okay," she promised, her eyes flicking up to his soft ones. "I'm just really tired."

"Get some rest," he insisted. The last thing Sophie wanted to do was sleep but she was struggling to keep her eyes open and given Lockwood's stern look he knew that too. So she merely nodded, not having the energy in her to protest. "Call me if you need anything."

She hummed, a small smile gracing her lips when he leaned down, kissing her cheek. It's strange really. As natural as the action feels, Sophie still felt her body sway but she's going to blame that mostly on the distress and exhaustion.

"Get some sleep," he whispered and she didn't need to be told twice before dragging herself up the tedious staircase, the comfort of her bed the only thing on her mind.

IT FELT LIKE SOPHIE HADN'T EVEN BEEN ASLEEP FIVE SECONDS WHEN SHE FELT HER BODY BEING SHAKEN AWAKE. And if it hadn't been for the hushed voice frantically calling her name Sophie never would have opened her eyes to see Lockwood hunched over her, his eyes darting from her face to the door behind them. "We have to go, Sophie."

Sophie immediately sat up at the tremor in his voice. "Lockwood?" She heard herself speak before she realized she had done so. The terror in his usually calm eyes was enough to build up the familiar anxious pit in her stomach. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"There's no time to explain," he mumbled, grabbing her arms and pulling her to stand with him. He didn't even give her a chance to steady herself before he began to pull her out of the room in a full sprint.

Sophie did her best to ease the tight grip on her wrist but he wouldn't budge. His steps didn't falter until he finally managed to drag her out of the house. "Lockwood, what's going in? You're scaring me-"

She cut herself off, her eyes darting around the street. When had it gotten so dark? She hadn't sleep that long, had she? She could hardly make out anything. Where were the ghost lamps? Why weren't they on? It's not safe for them to be out. And then with a sinking feeling in her stomach, she realised she was defenceless. She had no weapons, no rapier no flares and by the look of things, Lockwood was pretty much in the same boat.

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