26. rocky boats and split decisons

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chapter twenty-six,
rocky boats and split decisions

SOPHIE HATED RUNNING WITH A PASSION, and she most definitely hated running in a dress. So to say the brunette wasn't all that happy at that moment was an understatement. The three of them were running along the dimly lit streets of London, a breathless conversation stirring between them. "Are you sure it was him?"

"I know I haven't seen the man in years but I think I'd recognise my own dad, Lockwood," she huffed out, her quick strides faltering. Lucy was the first to stop and Sophie took that as her chance for a small break. She took a deep breath, tilting her head back and covering her eyes from the harsh glow of the ghost lamp.

The street around them was completely silent apart from the muffled buzz of the lights and there was absolutely no one around them; thankfully this meant visitors included. "I know I just-" Lockwood cut himself off, shaking his head. He took a step closer, his features significantly softer than just moments ago. "Are you okay?"

Her hand fell from her face. "I'm okay," she nodded, glancing between the two teenagers, who were watching her with matching expressions. "I'm just a bit shocked."

Long fingers stole out and gripped her own. Lockwood's warmth was a much-needed comfort in the November night chill. "I thought your father was dead," Lucy spoke up, wrapping her arms around herself.

"I assumed he was," Sophie shrugged. "I mean, I assumed he was anything other than... here," her words fell short, and she quickly averted her gaze. She didn't exactly get time to process what just happened, never mind what it might mean for her now. "He's going to come after me."

"No, he won't," Lucy piped up, stepping forward. "We won't let him. Right, Lockwood?"

He quickly nodded, tightening his grip on her hand. "You're safe with us, Soph," he assured. "You always will be."

"I shouldn't have to be protected from my own father," Sophie spat bitterly. Lucy averted her eyes shuffling her feet awkwardly. The curly-haired girl glanced between the two before quickly looking up and the pitch-black sky. "He's supposed to be family."

This urged Lucy to break whatever space was between them, clutching Sophie's hand as if it were a lifeline. "We're your family now, not him."

Sophie knew that. Of course, she did, but it didn't stop the smile from creeping onto her face. She let out a breathy laugh, shaking her head. "George is going to kill us. We're so late."

"We're not that late," Lockwood shrugged with a smirk but even so he began walking once again.

"We're only about two minutes behind schedule," Lucy added, glancing at the watch on Sophie's wrist. "He can't be mad."

Sophie knew better. George would get tetchy about not following a plan specifically, even if that plan wasn't even his in the first place. She even knew the exact expression he would be wearing, it was almost the exact copy of the one Fionn would have whenever Sophie would contradict his carefully thought-out ideas; Of course, she only ever did it just to spite him. She could never compete with his genius no matter how hard she tried.

So, as they ran up to the designated meeting spot, Sophie couldn't help but grin at the all-familiar look on the younger boy's face. "You're late," George grunted out, ignoring the amused look from the relic girl beside him.

"It's two minutes we can make up if we move quickly," Sophie shot him an apologetic smile, before acknowledging the other girl with a small nod. "Lovely to see you again Flo."

Flo flashed the agents an unusually bright smile but before she had time to speak, George immediately cut her off. "Four minutes, actually."

"For Godsakes George," Lucy exclaimed, flailing her arms. "This is just wasting more time."

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