chapter 3

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Everyone rushes out of the class and someone accidentally pushed me I was about to fall on top of that jerk but Sam was there and he quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

We both quickly pulled away once I was standing. Ethan muttered something angrily which was unaudible and walked away . What's wrong with him. I told Sam a thank you and we 3 went to the cafeteria where Ethan was already there .Amanda and I go to get our food while Sam goes to talk to Ethan.

"dude Sam and you "Amanda says teasingly

"shut up. He is just a friend "

"don't be Adrian 2.0 .She is just a friend "

I laugh at how she said it and she joins me.

"I am not Adrian 2.0. I said what I think of him "I say

"whatever you say"

We both get our food and go where Sam and Ethan were sitting.

"you both don't want eat " I say sitting down

"why do you care "Ethan says rudely.

What a jerk. I don't know why I even asked.

"I was just trying to be nice but you don't deserve it "

"did I ask you to be nice to me"

"well you don't have to ask people to be nice to you "

"well I hate people who are nice for no reason like you "

"and I hate people who are rude for no reason like you "

"guys stop it"Sam says

"why do you both have to fight all the time if you both can't be nice to each other atleaast don't fight "Amanda says

"he started it "I say pointing at Ethan

"you were the one who started it not me "

"guys please stop fighting let me eat in peace "Sam says

"you don't even have your food to eat "Ethan says

"um.. whatever you guys just stop fighting "Sam says

They both get up and get their food

"what should we do about the group project "I ask Amanda

"the one that was assigned today"she asks


"I think we should also ask them "she says pointing towards Ethan and Samuel "there also the part of the group "

"OK "

They both come back and sit.

"what should we do about the group project"I ask them

"do it like the professor said "Ethan says

"she means when,, where, how and all that "Amanda tells him after seeing the annoyed look on my face

"I suggest we all meet at a cafe and do our work there "Sam says

"It's fine with me "Amanda says

"its fine with me too"I say

"if you all are OK then fine "Ethan says.

"tomorrow at 5:pm at the cafe down the street"Sam says

"OK" the three of us say at the same time

I remove a paper out of bag with a pen and pass it Ethan and Sam.

"both of you write down your number" I tell them

"see I knew you were dying to get my number "Ethan says

"I am not. I am asking your number so I can contact you for the project "I tell him

"then why didn't you ask Sam then "

"I think you should get your ears checked cause I said both of you write down your number "

"here "Sam says passing me the paper

"give me the paper I will write my number "Ethan says

"you don't have to give your number now "I say

"shut up and give it "he says snatching the paper .

"I heard the try outs for football team start from tomorrow. Juls you should try "Amanda says

"not happening "I say

"why "

"I am not good at it "

"you are very good at it "

"no I am not "

"yes you are "


"Sam help me " Amanda says to sam

"is she really good at it "he asks

"yes " Amanda says

"juls you should give it a try "Sam says.

The bell rings I quickly grab my bag and  get out of the cafeteria .Next period was a free one. Amanda and Sam continued to try to convince me to try out for football.

"juls just give it a try "Sam says.

"I think she is really bad at it that's why she is not trying out"ethan says

"I am really good at it "I say

"Then prove it by trying out "


Fuck .Everytime I talk to him I end up doing things I don't want to do. Now I have to try out for it. That jerk everytime he does this.

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