chapter 4

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Julia actually tryed out for the team and she also got in. I hate to admit it but she is really good at it but not as good as me.

"You are pretty good "Sam tells Juilia .

"see I told you "Amanda says

"she is not that good "I lie cause I don't want to admit that she is pretty good .

"no one asked you so shut up "Julia tells me

"I don't listen to idiots like you "

"then you are stupid idiot jerk "

I was about to say something when Sam said "Guys do you plan on staying here and fighting or going home "

"we both are going if you want to continue fighting then stay "Amanda says

"Byy "they both say going outside

"you can stay here I am leaving "Julia says running towards Sam and Amanda .Jerks. I quickly go to my car and leave.

When I went home there was no-one as usual Mom and dad both at work and lily( my little sister who is 8) at school.

After a few hours my mom called me and asked me to pick up lily and babysit her tonight because they have an important meeting. I love lily alot I also like spending time with her. I quickly went to pick her up. After we got home.

"so, big bro it's just us tonight right"    lily asks

I respond with a small nod.

"so then can we watch -"

"no we are not watching Harry Potter or miraculous ladybug "

"Whyy "

"we have watched it like 100 times "

"miraculous has new episodes plus I love it. Please can we watch it "she says giving me the puppy eyes.

"fine.You go and change I will put it on. I hate you "

"na, you love me"she says running upstairs.

After a few minutes she comes down after changing we both watch miraculous till lily falls asleep she even asked more like made me bring her dinner in the living room so she can watch it while eating.why can I not say no to her. I carefully pick her up trying not to wake her up and I take her upstairs to her room and carefully place her on her bed.

Next day in college. Sam was completing his assignments and Julia and Amanda were talking as usual when a new boy came in the class and caught Amanda's attention she whispered something in Julia's ear .she quickly got up and ran to hug the new boy .

Who the fuck is he..

I want to punch him in his face.
I can't

I don't like her. I can't. She is just a seatmate .I tell myself.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming back "Julia asks that idiot.

"you should have told us "Amanda says punching him slightly on his arm

"aren't you happy our trio is complete again "that jerk says.

"who is he " Sam says putting his arms on Julia and Amanda's shoulder.

"I should be the one asking you "that jerk says

"Sam this is Tyler our childhood best friend "Julia tells Sam "and this is Samuel our first friend and also our best friend "

"nice to meet you "that jerk says

"well it was not nice to meet you "Sam says

It was the first time he did or said anything right.

The bell rings and Julia helps that idiot with periods and sit.

"your boyfriend has really bad taste " I say to Julia

"he is not my boyfriend and a lot of people are dying to date me "she says

I am one of those people and I want to be the only one.

"whatever you say "

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