chapter 30

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Thank God Julia is safe

The plan worked

Not the one I made with  everyone but the one me and Alex made before dropping Julia home

After a few months

Everything is back to normal julia is back to being how she was. After that incident for a few weeks she was quite and lost most of the time.

Finally everything is good now. Amanda and sam are also together and the biggest shock was that Ashley and Jeremy liked each other now they are also together

The only sad thing is in a few months we will have our final exam and our college life will end .

"Ethan " Jules called from downstairs

She and lily were watching miraculous. It is there routine every sunday jules come home and watchs miraculous with lily cause she is also a big fan.

Why all the most important girls in my life are the fan of miraculous

Why God

"Ethannn" Lily shouted

"Coming " I said running down

"What took you so long we have been waiting for you " Jules said

"Sorry lets go "

We are going for movie miraculous movie

They will enjoy while I suffer but the simle on their face and spark in their eyes when ever we go to watch miraculous movies
make me happy.

After a few years

After our Graduation me, sam and jeremy opend our own company while tyler joined his father the girls opened their own.

Our company's are partners and after all the hard work we did in the past years our company's are in the top ten company's in USA

I am thinking of proposing to julia

Tyler and Jenny are already married they both got married a month back.

Sam and Amanda are also engaged they are getting married after 3 weeks

I am thinking to propos her a day after their wedding as after their wedding we will be staying in the hotel for 2 more days just us. I had already asked her parents for their permission.

On the wedding day

"Now I announce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride " The priest said

Sam pulled amanda for a kiss as everyone cheered and hooted

" ok time to throw tje bouquet " Jenny said

Amanda threw the bouquet after all the bachelor's lined up including me as Jenny and jeremy forced me and also they had suggested me to change the plan of proposal instead if tomorrow, I should propose today by catching the bouquet and then do what had prepared but I don't want to ruin sam and Amanda's day. Its their day to shine

To my luck or bad luck the boque came towards me so I caught it sam, Amanda jenny and jeremy were looking at me and motioning me to propse they both are also involved fine if they don't have a problem they why will I

I went in front of julia and kneeled down and removed the ring from my pocket don't ask why I have it

"Julia when I fisrt swa you, you had bummed into me and I had removed my anger on you but that day I didn't knew that you will become one of the most important people in my life. I don't know when teasing you, irritating you become my habit and my day is incomplete without fighting with at first it used to end with you shouting at me now it ends with us kissing.I don't know what you have done to me that I can't even imagine a day without you so will you marry me and do me the honour of making me your husband "

"Yes A hundred times yes " she said juming on me

Next day we talked with parents to fix the date of marrige

We are going to have two wedding one Indian and one American

            THE END

To everyone that decided to give this book a chance and have have came this far thank you fot giving my book a chance and finishing it. I am really greatful to you

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