chapter 7

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When I reach home. I see someone sitting in the living room .After a few steps I could clearly see who it was it was Alex my brother who is 6 years older than me. I run towards him and pull him into a tight hug while shouting Alex.

"if you continue this you will choke me "he says joking

"I missed you "I say finally releasing him from the hug

"I missed you too cupcake "he says ruffling my hair

"don't touch my hair "

"when did you come back "I ask him

"like 2-3 hours ago "

"why didn't you tell me you were back"

"mom said you were working on a project with your friends so I decided not to disturb you "

"so,.. you are not leaving right "

"No, never again. I already found a job here I start from tomorrow. I am never leaving you and mom dad ever again. "

"sweety your back "my mom says from the kitchen .

"yes"I say

"good. dinner will be ready in few minutes go and freshen up "

"OK "

"I will be right back we have a lot of things to catch up "I say going upstairs

I quickly freshen up and go downstairs. Dinner was ready they were waiting for me to come. My mom had made brothers favourite
stuff. My and Alex's favourite's are mostly Indian food as mom is an Indian who was born and raised in LA. Since we were kids mom always fed us her favorite Indian dishes and she always wanted us to know that Indian and we both are proud of it. After we finish dinner mom and dad go back to there room.Me and Alex stay in the living room watching TV.

"so you got a boyfriend "Alex asks

"have you got a girlfriend "

"I asked first "

"then answer first also "

"no you "

"you "

"same time "


"no " we both say

"we are dieing single "Alex says acting sad

"you might but not me I am just 18 I have lot of time to date"

"that's means you like someone "

"what no"

"Tyler you like him right "

"eww of course not he is like a brother to me "

"you sure "

"then you must like Bree(Alex's female best friend )"

"Come on she has a boyfriend"

"who "

"some idiot called Billy "

"you jealous "

Since we were kids I had a feeling that Alex likes Bree . He always says no at first he used to say she is like a sister when he stopped saying that I knew he liked her and I think Bree kinda likes him.

"shut up .I am going to sleep "He says getting up

"yeah yeah, avoid the question "

He doesn't reply and countines walking upstairs.

"you can't hide the truth "I shout

"I hate you "

"love you too "

He just rolls his eyes and goes to his room. I switch off the T.V. and light in the living room and go to my room to sleep.

Next day second period was a free period and Tyler didn't came so Ethan was sitting with sam. Me Amanda and Ashley were talking mostly us cause Ashley is quite girl doesn't like to talk much .when a ball hit me in the head. I knew it would be no one but Ethan and I was right. I turned to see him waving at me with a smirk plastered on his stupid face.

"how dare you throw a ball at me "I say getting up

"With my hand "he says

"I will kill you "I say going towards him

"you can't even touch me "he says challenging

"oh I can and I will show you "Saying that I went to desk I was about to grab his hand and twist it before I could do it Sam and Amanda got up from their sits and pulled me behind and made me sit on my desk.

"I will kill you one day "I say

"I will be waiting for that day "he says


Oh. I will not let him get away with that he will pay for it. I will make him pay sure.

In lunch break I was sitting on my usual spot with Sam Amanda and that jerk Ethan. When my brother called and told me he was outside my college he wanted to give me more money for lunch even though he knows mom gives me more than even for lunch . I told Amanda she said she will also come she also wants to meet my brother.

"where are you both going "Sam asks

"I will tell you later "I say leaving

When I reach outside with Amanda Alex was already waiting for us I notice that 2 boys had followed us and I think who it might be Ethan and Sam I decided I will deal with them after my brother is gone.

"hey Amanda right "Alex says to Amanda

She just nods .

Alex remove a few dollars from his pocket and hands it to me

"mom gives me enough money for lunch no need to give me more " I tell him. I cant take his money he is my brother and all but he worked for 2 years in London for this money.

"I know that I am not giving it for lunch buy a gift for you with it. I wanted to buy one for you but I thought your likes and dislikes may have changed I didn't want to buy something you don't like ."Alex say

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